My weapon power is at 125/100 when I start a fight, but drops down to about 70/100 during sometimes. Was informed this was a subsystem taken off line and use my buffs to clear, or wait it out. I tried to set up the spacebar keybind to cycle my buffs, but didnt work, so I manually trigger them. I always try to have them up,… This is my current build, decided to stick it out with phasers. The consoles may not be the correct MK level, but the weapons are. Where should I go to upgrade/replace first? Was mentioned in chat to upgrade the weapons, but yeah that went over my head and…
I logged in disgust after I couldnt find it, then back in about 4 hours later and lo and behold it was sitting there. I meant to update this, but totally forgot. Guess I hit a lag of some kind.
Ah, okay so its the Zen that is account wide and not the dilithium. I can work with that. I'll look at the wiki and start thinking of how I want to go in the long run, still have a way to go, only lvl 23. Thanks for the answers.