I would have liked an Iaidon, but you make a good point. While I'm always on the lookout for another big ship (no coincidence that I picked up three dreadnoughts in the latest event campaign), that one's a bit much.
Looks pretty spiffy. If the specs are decent, I'm there. I tend to favor dreadnoughts (three of my event campaign ships this year are dreadnoughts), but battlecruisers are good, too.
Just to put in my two cents, there are some TFOs where I genuinely welcome seeing a Jellyfish on my team. Iupiter Iratus, Peril Over Pahvo, Defense of Starbase One (and especially its Borg variant), basically any such with multiple fixed points that need to be defended. Cuts down on the frenetic back-and-forth.
Definitely a good choice. I snagged it in last year's campaign, and am quite happy with it. Powerful on its own, and the Section 31 drones (especially if you go beyond the default) can set up a downright murderous crossfire.
Premium: Tholian Tarantula-class dreadnought C-Store 1: Resolute-class cruiser (The T6-XX system finally gives me a reliable Excelsior via the fleet.) C-Store 2: Terran Lexington-class dreadnought Lobi 1: Undine Kiwavi-class bio-cruiser (I had the urge to set up an Eldritch starship.) Lobi 2: Xindi-Primate Ateleth-class…
I tend to ignore the Deferi (helps their stuff is almost entirely optional these days), and I'm fine with the Lukari. The problem I have with the Aetherians is twofold: they're depicted as a little too perfect, and they distract from IMO more interesting plot threads that were brought up in recent content updates. I mean,…
None of the options quite encapsulate my views on the subject. I do know I don't care much for the writing; I like how the player seems to have made friends with Ezri Dax, but I wish the Aetherians would fall into a black hole. That said, content updates a little more often would be nice.
This is not, to be sure, the worst summer ship they've done. That dishonor IMO goes to the Ytijara-class dreadnought and its ridiculous 3/5 weapon arrangement.
Have to agree with solidshark on this one. I can understand limited Tac, but defaulting to ensign Sci, thus forcing a hard choice for the universal slot? Hard pass on this one.
This is why I don't use it in team-based content; I don't like to annoy other players if I can help it. In a similar vein, I don't use the neutronic eddy in TFOs unless I'm desperate; it annoys me when other players do it, and I refuse to be a hypocrite.
Could not care less about the ground weapon; I hate maces. The space weapons, on the other hand, are looking very nice, and I'm definitely pushing it for the Event Campaign. Even though it means going through "Gateway to Gre'thor," which is several different kinds of annoying.
Just to put in my $.02 on the subject, I for one do not want to see more time travel stories. I can think of exactly four time travel plots in all of Star Trek that I would consider well done: "City on the Edge of Forever," "Time's Arrow," The Voyage Home, and First Contact. And as rattler pointed out, they really need to…
Can't say I'm particularly excited about the celeb VA mentioned. Denise Crosby isn't exactly what I'd call one of Trek's greats, and I really don't like the idea of more Sela.
Small QOL improvement I'd like to see: Being able to access individual character banks while aboard ship. It really doesn't make sense that you can access account but not character banks that way. Even the smallest starships have cargo holds.
I'd also like to see more Tholian content. The latest arc seems to be teasing us with a rapprochement with the Assembly; I'd like to see them build on that.