If I'm necroing this, sorry, but I have to add to it. Not only would collapsible lists be far more useful, but the ability to select the number of available slots you want to run the same project in. If I have all six slots available, it would be far better to be able to select the project, then select the number of slots…
This got me thinking of another idea that would be nice to have - the ability in R&D to select the number of slots you want to perform a single task. If I have all six slots available and want to do the same task in all of them, it would be quicker and easier if I could select the amount of slots I want filled with it,…
All just IMHO, YWFMV (your warp factor may vary). DOFFs not really a big deal to me as I never really change them around. BOFFs would be nice since I usually have to switch some traits for them depending on what I'm flying (usually swapping CRF and FAW)...not really a biggie, either, but if it makes it easier, that's cool.…
Kobayashi Maru was never a 14-token event. It ran four times, none beyond six days in length, and rewarded Weekend Event Vouchers. Arena of Sompek ran one time as a three-week-long 14-token event that rewarded Merits of Sompek; the other four times were never more than six days long and rewarded Weekend Event Vouchers. Two…
If scaling gets applied to T5s, I can't see how there would really be a need for T5-U upgrades going forward, especially on ships that have the free upgrade option like the D'Kora, Orb Weaver, Nicor, Bastion, Excelsior refit, and so on...unless scaling adds to the changes already provided by the upgrade. I could see…
Guessing it'll look something like this: Set 2: Energy Amplification Passive +8.9% Energy Weapon Damage (Energy type based on Hyper Dual Beam Bank type if equipped; otherwise, defaults to tetryon) +17.8 Starship Drain Expertise
So much for burning through marks with hourlies for the dil, at least for a while. Thinking of Dyson, Iconian, and Nukara DHC phasers all firing at the same time...I guess "rainbow" won't necessarily be a negative term anymore. :tongue:
Fantastic work, team. The cast reactions say it all. The scaling of the station looks and feels right now...it was acceptable before, this is a big improvement. I'm sure others have asked this in the past, but any chance we'll see more interior revamps of other sets, especially bridges and ship corridors? I understand some…
A wee little nitpick: Ordinance (noun) 1. A piece of legislation enacted by a municipal authority. 2. An authoritative order; a decree. Ordnance (noun) 1. Mounted guns; artillery. 2. A branch of the armed forces dealing with the supply and storage of weapons, ammunition, and related equipment. Since the first definition…
Comparing the picture of Leeta and Chase, her facial features are rendered very well in game, especially the smile. I agree with Chase's statement about Leeta being more than what she looked like - it's obvious the character and the actress share that quality. Very glad she's onboard for VIL.
I'm with jaren on this one. Getting really tired of looking at the 13/14 for the last MI - I'd really like that shotgun and the extra dil certainly wouldn't hurt.
Agreed, 110%. Ben Sisko would give you a steely cold stare and ask why the Akira got it before the Defiant. :smiley: Still, the new Akira does look nice...good work, guys! Also agree with this: The bridge on my Phantom is ridiculously, hideously large...in scale, it's almost as big or bigger than a Galaxy or Sovereign. The…
Any connection or relation to the Thralls from "The Gamesters of Triskelion"? The reference to hand-to-hand combat, plus that Galt (the head Thrall) was able to teleport and other such things, makes me wonder. Maybe the Thralls in TOS were very early versions of the current Thralls...or maybe the Providers were just…
Also stuck on the Rapier - Home Stretch after exiting the wormhole...tried force verify, reboot, safe mode, changing away team lineup (I read that somewhere), and so on. Still can't finish. :( At least I'm not wasting as much time on this as I did with Night of the Comet and the disappearing shards...
Couldn't transfer character error in the Rapier:Home Stretch mission. Tried normal and safe login, no change. Force verify Steam files, no change. Changed standard away team order; no change. *dons Captain Obvious uniform* This error has to be related to a function that is common across missions and episodes.