Well this thread happens to be about a particular case, and about the things Mr. Takei himself described doing. So all the general comments about hugs being misinterpreted don't really apply to this case.
Dude, you just told an outright lie. He said AFRAID right after the word skittish. Go to 45 seconds and hear for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJYb0Yom5UQ If you are going to start off your post with an outright lie then there is no reason to read any further =(
Hey guys, I understand how all of that works. Sorry if I wasn't clear. Here is what I am talking about. Go into the costume editor and click "save". Then immediatly click "load". The costume you just saved should appear in that list. However no costume I have saved today is appearing in the load list. I have tried this on…
That still has nothing to do with this thread. This thread is specifically about trying to find an in game match to the ORVILLE uniform. The ORVILLE uniform does NOT look like the Discovery uniform. So your post about the Discovery uniforms is OFF TOPIC in this thread. And OFF TOPIC posts are against the forum rules. So…
What a bunch of nonsense. The person who posted this thread is trying to make a uniform that LOOKS like the ORVILLE uniform. Even though the Orville is an obvious Trek parody, the Discovery uniforms don't LOOK LIKE the ORVILLE uniforms. So you posting in this thread about the Discovery uniforms is irrelevant to what the OP…
Why does it bother you so much? If the dude wants to make new channel, so what? It's not like you have to use it if you don't want to. No reason to keep spazzing out in his thread.
Yeah, you can find bad apples in any social group. And I'm not suggesting that kind of attitude should be rewarded. All I'm saying is that we have a situation where both "sides" are benefiting. The players get a game to play, and the devs get paid to make the game. And yet, even though both sides are benefiting, it seems…
What you are describing is just a transaction. You spend money, so they keep making things for you to spend money on. They aren't doing it for charity, or for art's sake. They are doing it because they get paid to do it. That is a transaction, just like paying for food at a restaurant. But you felt the desire to go beyond…
Without the devs, we wouldn't have this game to play. Without the players, the devs wouldn't have this job to pay their bills. It's cool that players sometimes feel the desire to post a 'thank you' thread to the devs. What's not cool is that I don't recall seeing a dev posting a 'thank you' thread to the players. For the…