on my Engineer I've been in my Tac Oddy since it came out. On my Tac Officer he was in the Retrofit Defiant until the Fleet version came out and then he jumped over to the Fleet version.
I like the charater selection and the 3d option but the rest is ugly. Hopefully there will be some inprovements over the next couple of weeks of testing.
1) In one of the interviews you did prior to the announcement you mention that there would be new gold member perks, but the announcement did not have any details. Can you tell us what they are? 2) Is there any plans of running a lifetime membership sale before the May update? 3) Any news on a Mac client for STO? 4) With…
I keep getting a display bug for two of my characters on the officer station screen. On once character it shows one BOFF listed twice (here) and on the othere it is not showing any of the BOFFs stations. Other than that I am loving the Gateway and can't wait to see what you do next! :D