So, Neverwinter had a big patch yesterday, and there were login issues. STO is now facing slow patching issues, nice to know where Cryptic's priorities are.
Hope it takes them sooner to fix this. To have it happen once is one thing, just unfortunate circumstances. To have it happen twice? It's a pattern. Cryptic really ought to look into this, it doesn't inspire confidence especially when buying Zen with $.
Ingame @handle: @dlighted12 Faction (You may indicate both if you have no preference. If you do this, then we will place you in a faction): Federation Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Engineer/Heavy Escort Carrier Languages (e.g., English, German, French, etc.) : English Interested mainly in space or ground?:…
Got booted out a few times as well. Guessing they're not done with the update. Could'nt open the Omega Conversion Crate, but could 'see' the contents of it through the info. They've also done the changes to the Gorn Minefield map down to 5 players, and proper description in STFs saying they reward dil as well. Not fixed as…
I'm sure they did'nt want to take it offline unless they absolutely had to. Just bugs me when they have to take it down again for their 'regular' maintenance run later.