Character Name / Faction: V'Lor / Federation Handle Name: @dhestroyedangel Missing Item: Hierarchy Science Bridge Officer Approximate Date and Time of the incident: I noticed it missing yesterday on 12/27/2019. I know I did the mission for it and received him as a reward and now he's missing.
The 7th Order Armadas is still looking to add one more KDF fleet (PC) to our KDF Brotherhood Armada. Please send an in-game message @dhestroyedangel for more information.
Hi there...the 7th Order Armadas has an RP fleet. If you like, I can give your @handle to the fleet leader of the 32nd Fleet. Please message me in-game @dhestroyedangel.
Hi there...we've made moves to put18 Percent & boq botlhra'ghom into the 7th Order KDF Brotherhood. At the moment, one of our fleets...RPHX Dark Phoenix has invited your fleets to be under them. You're fleets will be in a beta spot for a short amount of time if you accept. Once RPHX is able to move into the beta spot under…
Hi there...we've made moves to put boq botlhra'ghom into the 7th Order KDF Brotherhood. At the moment, one of our fleets...RPHX Dark Phoenix has invited your fleet to be under them. You're fleet will be in a beta spot for a short amount of time if you accept. Once RPHX is able to move into the beta spot under 7th Order,…
Hi there. You responded to my post for 7th Order Armadas. Are you still looking for a KDF armada? If you are, please send me a message in-game @dhestroyedangel. We are moving fleets around which gave us 4 gamma spots (3 of which are now claimed). The final spot is yours if you like. Happy gaming.