Hey guys, this is impossibly angry player number <redacted> here; to notify support that the game has devoured so many of my items I have lost count in a way that tells me that more items are likely missing that I don’t keep track of. I put protection on, I make every available precaution, yet the game is bloody obsessed…
Hey guys, this is impossibly angry player number <redacted> here; to notify support that the game has devoured so many of my items I have lost count in a way that tells me that more items are likely missing that I don’t keep track of. I put protection on, I make every available precaution, yet the game is bloody obsessed…
Sooo... what I am hearing is my 23c character is stuck in the 25c after the summer event’s ‘depart system’ option defaulted her there, before she could even transwarp at lvl10? It wants me to go to the Caleb IV like ol boy said too, only I get there and I cannot enter the system to continue the 23c questline. I just...…