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Missing item and others issues.

My Advanced Herald Antiproton Beam Projector (it should have been under protected status) disappeared from my inventory sometime in october. I noticed on 22nd and let the GMs know, also told them that once space battles are over my weapons sometimes continue cycling for up to a minute dispite complete lack of enemies. They said to post here. A third bug that popped up recently, once i complete a universal endeavor, anytime i change maps (esd to sol system for example), i continuously get a mission start, mission failed notice for that endeavor until the next universal endeavor becomes available. Then the cycle repeats.


  • devlinmcbane#3506 devlinmcbane Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Hey guys, this is impossibly angry player number <redacted> here; to notify support that the game has devoured so many of my items I have lost count in a way that tells me that more items are likely missing that I don’t keep track of. I put protection on, I make every available precaution, yet the game is bloody obsessed with this as if I am actually playing an elaborately crafted and hidden social litmus stress experiment. Anyways folks here is my missing items thus far and the circumstances leading up to them as I am allowed to understand it; First is about two Elachi crescent turrets, JUST as I got them, both very rare purple MKXII, both turrets dissapeared the moment I switched my ship in ESD I assume as I cannot pinpoint exactly when they got eaten, this happened awhile ago; Second was an just a random sheild array no big loss, but I actually witnessed it blink away because I wanted to salvage it and switched from ship eq to inventory to do so and... nothing; third was just a ui error and a maxed out set of Furisian Claws became... cloaked, but that was resolved by the ui being able to recognize the item’s existence, as it was oddly enough in my bank even though all I did was doff them, with these melee lobi claws being cloaked so did go a rather large sum of unrefined Dilithium that was in the hundreds of thousands, but I already get that my time means nothing to this game so I am largely over the seething hatred that this has caused in me; fourth was a [rapid]phaser turret that was blue rare and mkii that support replaced with THREE blue phaser beam banks so I just gave up on that ticket; and now there is the counter command rep issue... I spent an entire morning playing to earn a simple Heavy Bio-molecular plasma turret, I buy it out dilithium and marks all... I find it in the inventory and the first thing I do is protect it as this game has made itself perfectly plain that it will aggressively just deleted items because, ‘reasons’, I switch my ship to the one I was grinding for hours to get the turret on and go to equip it and... nothing, the ui says there is nothing... I am beginning to lose my good polite veneer over just how little effort my rather expensive gaming habit has put into it. I have invested a great deal into this game, and have had to delete entire characters due to bugs that have trapped them in the 23rd century and the like, effectively losing all progress in those endeavors too, and wouldn’t mind if my money was actually appreciated or even used for this game and not to buy some shriveled shareholder at cbs a new house they will only live in for the summer.

    Angrily awaiting reply Aatka@Devlinmcbain
  • savart#8866 savart Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    Since I can't post new subjects yet, I will post here, because I won't be coming back over this in who knows how many days...

    My kit didnt upgrade but the epic upgrade disappeared.

    Character: Savargh
    Faction: Federation
    The item that you were trying to upgrade : (gold-epic) Engineering Kit Module - Shield Pulse MK XII (still installed atm)
    The item that went missing: Ultimate Tech Upgrade (gold-epic) and Major Technology Boost x2,0 (since it was announcing a kit downgrade to purple while upranking to XV)
    The approximate date/ time of the incident: circa-ish 11pm Atlantic (7pm Pacific) wednesday.
  • deadfriends#9352 deadfriends Member Posts: 1 New User
    My Klingon character just received a very rare ship shield and a rare beam weapon, both Mark X. Upon equipping them they disappeared! Very frustrated as I needed those very much! 8-10am December 7th.
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,586 Arc User
    If you have a shuttle/runabout, you may find them equipped on that.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
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