Fit your build to your ship, or your ship to your build. Your running low end level 50 gear at level 60. The gear difference between mk XI and mk XIV is quite large. Across 8 guns you're looking several thousand DPS. That thing has low turn rate, cannons don't work too well on it. If you want to use those, you need…
Yea that's because DR doesn't work like that. If a console gives you +18.8 resistance to derp, that's +18.8 to your derp resist modifier not 18.8% dr vs derp. The game totals up all your resistance modifiers for that damage source and then feeds it to the DR function which looks like: DR(x)=(3*(0.25-(75/(150+x)^2)), where…
Lobi should be considered a nice bonus if your opening boxes for other things (dil mine claims etc). If you want to spend zen to get the ship, just sell the keys and buy the ship on the exchange.
Yeah and the player behaviour that encouraged was even more needless grinding. Don't spend marks because they'll be worth more later but still gotta make that 8k. Marks will be worth more later so gotta do stuff that gets marks. Wana do it fast, so gotta run the fastest content...cue players running the same 2-3 missions…
It's screamingly obvious that the mark and BNP/etc jobs were there for players to fill out their 8k daily, not to hoard for months and cash in 300k dil at a time. Presumably players to running 12+stfs a day to get their 8k dil because "can't spend the marks, they'll be worth more later" was not intended play. Just cash in…
With a decent group or your average pug? pug groups, top, Only so much you can do when the groups take 6-8 minutes. 8.5k-9k is fairly comfortable for that so I'm not taking it into advanced with pure pugs. A less lazy pilot than me could probbaly break 10k in pugs with that, I don't fly anything near optimally. Also…
If you can't break 10k DPS, you're not playing the game. I don't mean "oh you're playing it wrong" I mean you have to be stuck running around at level 30 in mark V gear or something. Want to see a ship that can crack 10k? Cheap mk X gear with terrible mods, no rep gear, no fleet gear, 2 of 6…
The EC cap increase is 500 zen iirc? If someone can't cobble together the 80k dil to buy that in a reasonable period of time, they're probbaly not going to accomplish anything with the R&D system anyways. Infact they're probbaly never going to get enough EC to need the cap increase.