In the 15th anniversary preview blog it was revealed that this year's anniversary ship is the Garret Command Alliance Dreadnought Cruiser. Unfortunately no other information has been revealed. It had be speculated that the ship would be a Fed/Klingon ship.
I have no idea how much Lobi I had before I claimed the Campaign VI rewards. The coupons do mention about the exclusions, but I'm pretty sure that ones you get in giveaways say the same, I could be wrong though. If those items in my bank are indeed the rewards from Campaign VI, I find it odd that they went straight into my…
Here are the screenshots from my inventory and bank. Not sure if this is going to help, as it has been a couple of days and I'm pretty sure that QA will not be able to determine if the lobi and t6 coupons in my bank are from previous giveaways and rewards. They will probably just deem them as the reward I have received for…
Not sure how to share screen shots from Playstation to here. I thought that the rewards go into your inventory or overflow when you get them. Don't think that they would automatically go into the bank. Also, I already had Lobi and T6 coupons in my bank from previous giveaways, rewards and what not. I tend to be a hoarder…
The Sovereign set is not unlocked. It is only recently (past 2-3 years) that they unlocked the ship console sets when they released the legendary version. Like how the Flagship set was not unlocked until the legendary Bortasqu' was released, not when the legendary Odyssey (Verity in the 10th anniversary bundle) was…
After claiming the bundle, if you go to your "Promotions" tab in the z-store, the ship will be there to be reclaimed. From what I have been reading on Reddit, the costumes are found in the "Costumes" tab in the z-store after claiming the bundle.
Not sure if you are aware that there are other versions of the disruptor and phaser quad cannons. The Rapid-Linked Disruptor Quad Cannons ( ) and the Overload-Linked Phaser Quad Cannons ( ) that you get…
The other option is for the Mudd's Disco Inferno Choicepack you can get both the MW D7 and the MW Connie as account unlocks.
You have the Iconian Resistance Resilient Shield Array from the Iconian reputation set equipped, either as equipment or in the visuals tab. As josephphlanx said, either go to your equipments and disable the visuals, or go to your visuals tab and unequip the…
I am pretty sure you have to be level 60 in order to get level less items to mk12, you are only level 52. Here is the link to your item stating that you have to be level 60 to get it to mk12
It all depends on whether or not they share the same(or similar) skeleton or not. If they share a skeleton(or a similar one that could be changed easily) then it would be possible. If they do not share a skeleton, then it would be improbable. It would take to much time and effort and not enough cost incentives to do.
What do you mean by reclaiming the hanger pets? Do you mean a free reclaim, because having them unlocked means you are able to purchase more. You do not get any free ones, except for the ones that already come on the ship. If you have unlocked them by having the Friendship class, you should be able to buy rare (blue)…
Those lights have always been there Here is Zefilms' Fresh Out of Spacedock with the Gagarin, showing the different angles, and it clearly has those lights on the ship.
> @jonsills said: > The stream starts about 45 minutes from when I'm typing this. Apparently the source is a Reddit thread, so grain of salt. > > EDIT: Never mind, what was advertised as a "stream" about the ship was in fact just a beauty-pass video. Nice looker. Too bad I'll probably never have one. There is always next…
I have a question for you. When did you purchase the BOff? Was it recently or was it a while ago? If you purchased it recently (within the last 4-5 years) then it is a bug. If you purchased it a while ago (longer than 5 years ago) then unfortunately you are out of luck. The BOff used to be single purchase, but they changed…
The Adamant is a Defiant variant, which had the various set pieces of the Stealth Fighter Set, so it made sense for a terran version of the quad cannons. The Legendary ships come with every skin, consoles and trait of the original ship(s) had so the Legendary Kelvin Timeline Constitution comes with the Auxiliary Ejection…
I think the reason why both consoles can't be used together is that it was released alongside the Bortas'q(or however it is spelled) and that only had the bop separation and not a second pet console. To keep balance, you could only have one pet active because the Bortas'q could only have one pet active. At least that is…
Just a couple of questions about your issue. Have you gotten the final form of the Bat'leth of Sto'Vo'Kor by getting 1000 melee kills? I believe it cannot be upgraded before reaching this requirement. Also the character has to be level 60 before you can upgrade it.
It has been this way since they released it. At first it was a balance issue because it was released along side the bartosqu and that only one pet, a bop that separates out of the back of it. Recently it has been asked about during the live streams and it has either been missed or being ignored. I think it was asked about…
Unfortunately, the "boot thigh high" is part of the "23rd Century Starfleet Uniform" and not part of the Mirror uniform unlocks. The Terran uniforms that are included in the bundle do not include the boots. They are mostly tops, two pairs of shorts, a belt, some…
I don't know if it is the same for you but try this. In the C-Store go to the ships tab. Then select the Tier 6 tab. Scroll down to the 4 Terran ships. After that, the rest of the ships are in alphabetical order. Scroll down until you see Mirror Engle Strike Wing Escort [T6]. That is where I found mine. Hope this helps.
I think they did that intentionally. When the Legendary Galaxy-X was released, most vanity shields didn't cover up the Terran livery. Then after a few weeks of release it was change so most vanity shields over rid most of the Terran livery. Nobody knows why it was done, and when it was asked about during the live streams…
If you are talking about the [Klingon Miracle Worker Bridge Officer] that you get from the Discovery Operations Pack, then unfortunately you cannot modify her. The devs have mentioned in various streams that she is not supposed to be modifiable and that they are not going to change that. It sucks, I know. Maybe one day in…
They didn't forget. They haven't gotten approval from CBS/Paramount yet, so they can't. Or I am thinking about Kelpians and put them is the same boat, I can't remember. People have been asking about them in streams and they have given answers about them, but I don't remember exactly what was said and I don't want to go…
It has been mentioned many times, through blog and twitter posts and twitch streams, that the ship would be only for 1 character and that it is not an account unlock. Even many forum posts asking this question, links were provided that state it was for one character only.