As one of the people who received the Nagus back when it originally came out, I'm glad to see this being made available for more people. While having something exclusive is cool, more people having access to a fun item is better.
Getting a flyable Typhoon is great, and the redesign looks fantastic. I'm confused by the inclusion of that pulse phaser pack, though. They were kinda forgettable weapons ingame and their sound effect is terrible/not movie accurate.
Valkyries also came with the Valdres Strike Wing Escort from the C-Store, but that one unlocked the fighters for purchase. It seems an oversight that they'd put them on the Typhon and not give the option to purchase their upgraded variants, though.
I thought the dialogue was honestly sub-par. The Control Borg situation was a bit lame, too, but that bit is due to my personal disdain for Discovery and just about anything to come out of it (especially anything tied to Section 31). Called the twist on the Borg Queen mid-mission and thought the Kumaarke reinforcement…
The ship is using the wrong model. In game, in every single place you can interact with it, it appears as a Parliament Class. (Trolling comments moderated out. - BMR)
Blue Shift is broken and impossible to complete. A map transition is supposed to occur when escaping TSD and it doesn't work, from in-mission or continuation in space.
On further inspection, this does appear to be the case. I didn't even bother clicking through because all I saw were objects I'd purchased with a cost attached to them on the sidebar, instead of "available". So, no risk of being out a coupon, but still a massive UI gaffe making people click through a list to see whether…
Here's a better idea: Get rid of the T5 drop chances from the boxes and roll them into the t6 drop chance. Nobody is opening up these boxes for garbage T5 ships when t6 versions exist for practically all of them. Getting one of them as a drop is insulting, at this point.
You can save that condescension for someone who cares about your opinion or shove its somewhere that I can't properly express on these forums. I'll give you that I should have posted this in the feedback forum, but the registration of completion not happening on, y'know, COMPLETION doesn't exactly seem to be WAI.
Incorrect, kaithan. The counter is stuck at 100%. Hailing Kaol does nothing, as does visiting him in person. The issue did resolve, but required significant overflow, meaning the mission counter is bugged.
Have this same issue with several of the Delta Recruit and Temporal Recruit rewards being unclaimable on my Klingon Recruit, despite the prerequisites being done and being claimable on any of my other characters.
Yeah, no, sorry. You can get almost any other Z-store ship in the game for 3,000, which is still honestly overpriced. This being a "Legendary" does not excuse its blatant overpricing. That 6,000 is the "sale" price is not a defense of this. As far as the extras, whoopdie-do. None of those are worth the total increase in…
I'm sorry, but this is garbage. J'ula is the most nonsensical, contrived "threat" in the game and the Discovery content has been equally nonsensical. It's shoehorned, it feels shoehorned, and I really have no desire to see/play anything more related to that abortion of a show.
Like it or not, strength figures in. Technique matters, but if you pit somebody as experienced with a technique as someone just as experienced and with a physical edge, the individual with the physical edge will come out on top 9/10 times. Ergo, Burnham does not stack up to a Vulcan of equal experience, nor would any other…
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. This is the original Andrew Probert concept design for the Ambassador given a faithful 3D rendering. The Guarian has very little in common with it, visually.