I saw someone else post bout not being able to create a new captain, I'm having the same issue. It says that I have filled all of my available character slots and I've tried logging in and out several times already. edit: apparently I had too many transferred characters on the account, so i just deleted a bunch of them and…
Weird, I was able to play it with both my Reman and Romulan today. My problem is I can't get the mission a second time since they first released it. Every time I try I get the may day from the Lt.. Frustrating.
Oh so it's not just me, this is kind of frustrating that the mission just stops. I suppose we'll have to wait until the next patch on tribble for this to get fixed. I wonder if there is an accolade for most bug reports sent? :p
Yes, I've used it while in slipstream, helps to cut down on the travel time a bit, on trips from Sol to the transwarp gate at the bottom of the map, as well as when traveling to DS9.