1. I'd like to see a captain race change token. Seeing as we can purchase and fly any ship on any character, I'm sure changing your toons race shouldnt pose too much of a problem. Even if you made it single use per character only, for a C-store cost, I'd be tickled pink. 2. Acquiring and opening an Infinty Lockbox ship on…
This is exactly the kind of upgrade a lot of us have been wanting for a while now. I'm a bit disappointed that the upgrade doesn't apply to the fleet variant, however making it an account wide unlock makes up for it. Sure you have to use two upgrade tokens, for the c store and fleet variant, but only having to do it once…
Would've been nice if they at least gave us the option to select fleet vouchers or Rep vouchers... such a small change that would make this "nerf" a little easier to swallow.
1. Finding with the same Aux Pwr settings, total shield and Hull HP is down about .5% on Tribble vs Holodeck 2. Energy Resists are down .4% on Tribble vs Holodeck 3. Iconian Deflector SciCDR ability still nerfed at 5% vs 10% on Holodeck Still think that a Skills Loadout system would be an awesome implementation... even if…
Edited previous to clarify... Withering Radiation, which causes radiation damage based on the number of Withering Radiation stacks present on a target. Does X radiation damage per stack, Max 5 stacks, lasts for 60 seconds Not sure where you see the debuff. However there is a question I still have about these... is it X…
I would think that each radiation producing weapon would have its own PrtGen modifier to maintain balance. For example the Bio Molecular would have a lower PrtGen modifier, than the withering disruptor, since its damage ignores shields. Same lower modifer would go for the Neutronic torpedo, one of THE best torps in the…
@orion0029, crusty8mac, firekeeperhu All of your ideas are good, however they still cater to one of the biggest problem with mods. The mods should be rebalanced so one or two mods aren't infinitely better than all the rest of them. CrtD, Pen, and CrtH are kings in PvE. As I don't PvP much, one would think that Acc is one…
This is somewhat similar to the idea I suggested on Priority One Podcast a few episodes ago under TobiasLTF. http://priorityonepodcast.com/po212/#comments Ships would be split into two parts. The Ship with all of its base stats, unique consoles and ship perks would be one part but the other part would be the "kit". The Kit…
Does any of you need more cheese with your whine? Seriously people... its broke, they are fixing it. Hows about instead of throwing a temper tantrum, because your digital teet isnt available for you to suck on, you all walk out your front door and enjoy that thing called LIFE. Acting like its the end of the world of…
I do not think that this is the best way to stimulate players into playing the already empty STF queues. The mark reduction truly isnt that drastic TBH.
+1 to OP's observation. With the introduction of the upgrade system, even in its currently limited form, has exposed yet another supply imbalance on top of the already existing VR material issue. Our fleet beams crafter made 100 superior upgrade kits, and ran out of blue mats. I know that the superior kits aren't the only…
Would have been nice if you kept the research kit crafting XP somewhere near the amount it was worth on Tribble, but I guess thats to much to ask. We were only told per Al during his recorderd interview with P1 podcast that it should take around, and I quote "about as long as it takes to max out a rep system" (ie 40 days)…
I posted this a while ago, anyone else have constructive criticism/alternate ideas? Would be nice if the community team would post on the threads they read and hand off to the devs. At least give us something more than the feeling of being ignored. :-)
Just curious but... why would you even bother to patch the test server with something you are going to release to the live server the following day anyway? Kinda defeats the point of a TEST server now doesn't it?
It would still have you running space and ground STFs for materials as the space queues would only give you trellium/argonite/radiogenic and the ground queues would reward plekton/craylon/dentarium.