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cmdrdejo Arc User



  • Andrew Robinson ( Elim Garak)...was also the killer in Dirty Harry, just close your eyes and listen...that is Elim Garak:P
  • It was like a minute after I posted that the whole she-bang went down...then the Idiots from Com Edison whacked the cable connection again, ( every time they do "smart Grid" work out here I drop a carrier on the old cabel modem)
  • I'd rather that than this "real Klingon Science ship" TRIBBLE. I don't mean to go on a rant here, but Klingons don't do science like the Feds do. If you are a Klingon you seek out new places and kick the TRIBBLE out of any natives you may find there for your further glory. This means you are not passively looking at the…
  • I ask myself what Klingon ships need to do to serve the Strategic aims of the Empire. I can see the BoP doing all kinds of risky "science" type stuff ( small ship, configurable, small loss if science fails...unlike Fed Science Crusier, big ship, big crew, big asset goes up when science goes bad)...what I don't see is a…
  • I thought about it some, I went KDF thinking how the Federation tends to absorb and homogenize everything and everyone in the canon. I got to rationalizing that the last thing I would want as a Romulan is to lose my independence and free will after coming off a mulch-generational police state/empire. If I can keep the…
  • And as soon as I stop being so cheap, that's my name thank you.:D