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ceissadesiste Arc User



  • Are you at least level 42? Some missions do have a level requirement. I know I completed the whole Cardassian Arc with no issues.
  • PS4 players have been posting their bugs and issues in this post: http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1221568/ps4-bugs?sso=eyJuYW1lIjoiIiwicGhvdG91cmwiOiIiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiIxNDQzOTY4OTgxIn0%3D+a485bcff0b4650f0456d25676249f3724ab147c1+1474338131+hmacsha1
  • Diplomatic missions are tied to the duty officers now and since consoles don't have DoFFS yet, we are unable to proceed in Diplomacy. (I believe the change came when DoFFS was introduced into the PC version of the game) So basically until they implement the DoFF system into the console version we can not proceed with…
  • Its funny how PWE and Cryptic decided to not make separate forums for each of the three platforms on STO, but they had no problem doing it for Neverwinter when that launched on consoles! We definitely need separate forums for each platform as to alleviate the problem of having to search through one for the platform you…
  • Jem'Hadar Deflector Dish is part of the "Jem'Hadar Space Set" which is equippable in the vanity slots of your ship. I am able to equip the Jem'Hadar Combat Impulse Engine and the Jem'Hadar Resilient Shield in these slots, but I am unable to equip the Deflector Dish there. Not sure if this is made that way, but it seems odd…
  • They posted in the original launch announcement for consoles that DoFFs would not be implemented yet.
  • Alright found a few more annoying issues/bugs: 1. Missions that require your shuttle - Shuttle is so small in space that you don't even see it. Then you get to the mission instance and the view is a little bigger, but still so small that it makes it hard to play the mission. 2. Exchange doesn't work properly - You can't…
  • Empress Sela mission is still bugged and can't beam onto the planet without crashing. Error code that happens is a non existent Sony error code and they say to contact Cryptic about the issue. So Cryptic, when are you going to address this matter?
  • Empress Sela mission is still bugged and can't beam onto the planet without crashing. Error code that happens is a non existent Sony error code and they say to contact Cryptic about the issue. So Cryptic, when are you going to address this matter?
  • He is a duty officer reward and we don't have that feature in the console version of the game yet.
  • Adding my list of PS4 Issues here too, so as not to have various threads about our console! 1. Taking equipment/items off of my BoFFS - I get a message stating my inventory is full and I have nothing in my inventory for it to be full. 2. Patrol missions not showing up. - ( I played on PC and have the list of available…