1.) Zorak@carcosa#4225 2.) Mercenary 3.) Ruthless and cantankerous Reman, learns to have a change of heart I dont want to give too much away, let me know if you need more... I am already in a fleet but would love to participate in the rp
Ok I was just online with Norton technical support, and they made sure that Norton wasn't blocking STO, and it still keeps crashing after hitting engage and going to the black Cryptic screen. I am a lifetime subscriber with a lot of money in this game I hope someone will do something to fix this!!!! Edit I have Norton 360…
We have a level 63 KDF fleet that just acheived a T5 starbase. The fleet has been around since 2012 but was kind of dead for a while. Over the past couple of months we have been rebuilding our membership. Nothing is mandatory, you have to earn 30,000 fleet credits to access the stores, but often that requirement is waived…
To be clear, this does NOT have a battlecloak, just a normal cloak. Also it may not be a ship for mini/maxers, but it is still a hell of a lot of fun to fly! One of my first t6 ships for my tos klingon augment. Edit: yeah I wish this had a battlecloak, but still glad i have it
Yep the party was a blast... Kirtang Pirate Radio was there to help host, we gave out some prizes. Now we have a tier 5 starbase and a lvl 63 fleet. Continuing to recruit, a few of us use Teamspeak, but most don't. I have a Reman Zorak and a Klingon Kung in the fleet. Feel free to contact me @carcosa#4225
House of GAF is becoming much more active again, we just got our starbase up to tier 5 and the fleet to lvl 63. A few of us use teamspeak, but most don't. Part of Klingon Intelligence Armada which is full.
Thank you so much for your attention to this issue, I would also recommend parsing the damage of the non hanger pet, in most cases you will see it does zero dps and in some cases maybe up to 20dps. This is what I found parsing the Elachi Sheshar Assault craft in many different instances including both the red alerts and…
Looks like this is bugged still, I might have to go buy some new weapons for my ships with upgrade weekend coming up; can anyone recommend a good plasma weapon? I was thinking maybe the fleet plasma arrays, also is the overcharge proc any good on beam weapons? I picked up some regular mk II plasma arrays [dmgx2] [over] but…
I hope this is not the case I spent a lot of money on those corrosive beams and upgrading them and this is the only weapon my reman has on his ships. Will test this when i get home Edit: just tested these with mark xiv corrosive beam arrays, I think I should be doing something like 35k dps but I only pulled off 10k in…
I still use the Kligat, picked it up just before the nerf, but in the TOS show they state that it has a range of 100 meters... I don't mind the damage adjustment, just wsh they kept the range.
Way to attack a new player, you should be glad we are still getting new players. Just explain they can still get the ship with lobi instead of putting them down. If you read the original post you could see they just started the game halfway through the event. I don't expect them to get the vouchers for free, but you should…
Thanks for sharing this, tried to google around a bit to figure it out but never would have found this. Kung the Destroyer is now a member of the Order of the Bat'leth!!! Qapla'!!!
Yeah having the same problem, beamed out and restarted the sabotage portion which didn't work, then dropped the entire mission and started from scratch and still had the problem. When in the Sabotage portion it still shows the previous part "Save the Yorktown" instead of the current instance "Sabotage"