Ok the Nobs V. is starting in two days so here is the final schedule https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16CWR0YBwAcBUCiYPxs3w85hwjZwh3nu6N1Y06ZuJQoM/edit#gid=782140068. Pls make sure that all teammebers are on the April 02.16 at 8pm german time on the following Team Speak: ts3.58te.de:10053 (but be available at 7pm…
The Teams are done thank you all for joning now you have two weeks time to train with your team. PlS join Tomorrow all this Team Speak: ts3.58te.de:10053 pw Dreadnought at 8pm there i can give you more informations about the teams, the day of the nobs5 and how everything will be run on the day aswell we will have a few of…
58. Geschwader and Soehne von Kahless are the same i played in thier premade preDr when you see a player in from 58. Geschwader in pvp than is this hassan he is playing sometimes sto again.
Heyho no Iam not a fan off lambda because i think it has a shared cooldown with other attackpatterns http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=baltimraiderspeedsetup_0 here is my escort build
Ok here is my opinion for me the best is accx3 pen crtd or accx4 but atm more a fan of accx3 pen crtd. And I think accx3 is musst so like nando acc/dmg accx2 crtd pen