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cadenphoenix Arc User



  • LoL, yeah the Talaxians are the Jar'Jar Binks of Star Trek. "All Hail Maxis" Captain Dex "Talaxian Captain of U.S.S. Rinax"
  • True that would be great to have a Ferengi based season where you have to employ measure to sell items and earn your way up in Ferengi commerce. Possibly adding a new title.
  • Then what race is acceptable to join the Klingon empire? the Federation continues to grow larger with many races joining them. sooner or later the Klingons will be out numbered and, though they would put up one hell of a fight, would lose just by sheer numbers. The Klingons and the Romulans are just an after thought in…
  • Your still only looking at one sect of the Kazon, not the the whole. Look at the Talaxians as well, Neelix asked for water in payment for his services. He did not have the capability of producing it. either. Yet Talaxians are playable with both the Federation and the Klingons (which leaves out the Romulans again)? So…
  • Yes Whats up with that? there is so much more that this game can add to the universe that wasn't seen in the series
  • A fare assessment. the Kazon sects each have a commodity that they control. Water was accessible but not very accessible. all everyone is going off of is one sect of the Kazon. The other sects within the series seemed to be doing very well and nothing about water was mentioned after that fact. I never thought about the…
  • Well I wouldn't go so far as to say they look like the Klingons. The Klingons can't be matched in anyway because they are the Klingons. Their philosophy is unique and admirable. The Kazon's are a weak race yes but they have potential. With Klingon guidance they could become worthy allies and a very dangerous adversary to…
  • LoL Yes!!! Thank You!!! I'm not the only one thinking this lol!!! And yet they are a race you can play as for the federation?
  • even the talaxians had water problems and the Kazon ships didn't have replicators. Beside it was only on that planet that the water was scarce because the Caretaker hid the water underground. We don't know what circumstances were going on before voyager got there. Lets not forget that the kazon liberated themselves from…
  • I for one agree that the Kazon could fit into the KDF. Within the many sects of the Kazon their could be a sect that would be beneficial to them. a different sect could align its self with the different factions and blend well. As for the lack of love for any race not Federation. I agree that Cryptic should separate the…
  • LOL!!! Your probably right on this subject. I just wish that Factions other then the Federation would get some love. Yes the Kazon are a laughable race in terms to the Klingons and other races aligned with them. The Delta Quadrant only got to see the Federation ideals when Voyager tore through it. What if it was a Klingon…
  • I guess I've been beaten. I'll still love VOY above all. Yet I love all thing Star Trek so its not really a loss. :D
  • Well which ones would you like to see as a playable race for the Klingons? I thought the Kazons because they are a nomadic warrior race.
  • No your raising them right. Lol though you'll have the issue of the Star Wars vs Star Trek battles lol.
  • The episode you are referring to is in Season 3 Episode 12 "Microcosm". I disagree with you that DS9 is better then VOY. I found DS9 a little boring at time, while VOY seemed more like how the series started, with a little DS9 flare added in. The whole premise of exploration is what draws me to Star Trek. Yes your raising…
  • I agree I love being a Romulan!! Wheres the love? = P TYVM Cryptic I love this game more and more!!