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buf0rdtjust1ce Arc User



  • Can't wait for T6 ships, Intelligence officers, Level 60 and everything else that #DeltaRising is going to bring!
  • For anyone who had an incomplete pre-patch process before this new announcement that the pre-patch has the green light again after having been halted earlier... I had about 3.95GB worth of the patch in my Steam subdirectory. I had left my PC running Friday overnight into Saturday morning, when evidently the developers…
  • If anyone's looking for the prepatch folder to delete the data, in Windows 7 64-bit anyway it's located in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Star Trek Online\Star Trek Online\Live\prepatch I assume on Windows 32-bit it would be the same structure except simply \Program Files\ instead of \Program Files (x86)\ I…
  • Warning: I was trying to be nice about this whole patch fiasco and to give advice to others who were equally exasperated... I saw an offer from Steam to buy Borderlands 2 for 66% the normal price. I bought the game via Firefox, and then, as soon as I maximized the Steam client, which was currently trying to update STO via…
  • I agree. It shouldn't be that difficult to include a resume feature base on the data already downloaded. The emphasis with STO files seems to be on file integrity and ubiquity (i.e. everyone currently online has the exact same software version running). But the pre-patch system is outside of that. It is designed to relieve…
  • There weren't any visual changes, at least not as far as I could detect. I got the usual pop-up window message saying that the launcher was undergoing attempt 1 to update itself. That went away and another similar message popped up. After a few more seconds, that tiny window closed and the normal-looking launcher window…
  • AFAIK there is no offline patch available, though I think that Cryptic/Perfect World should consider such an option in the future. Due to the nature of Bittorrent it would be a great way for the developers to push out huge patches like this with minimum impact on their own servers. I know I would download a torrent if it…
  • Wow, the new launcher is patching really, really slowly. The last couple of days I was downloading over 1.0MB/s from the patch server. Now it looks to be around 100-150KB/s. But if it actually goes through to 100% completion it will have wasted less time than all my tries before. But my advice to anyone reading this thread…
  • Would that really make any difference? What's been happening is that we open the launcher as usual, the game runs as usual, then after we quit the game itself, a new instance of the launcher pops up and starts the pre-patching process, which for nearly everyone always stops at 46-47%. I get your idea about running it with…
  • Well, I closed the launcher without changing any of its options, restarted it and it downloaded about 4MB of new data, then I got into the game as usual, no problems. I wonder when (if) the launcher will download the rest of the pre-patch for LoR... Did notice a post on the forum that STO servers will be down tomorrow…
  • Here's the reply I got from Perfect World: Hello! Please try the following suggestions first. They are common solutions to issues with the game, and also in doing so, it helps us narrow down the possible cause of your issue. In the Launcher, go to Options and check 'Disable On-Demand' patching. See if this works. You can…
  • I just submitted a support request and got a ticket number -- I'll let everyone know in this thread what answer I receive, if any. I know the game is free-to-play, but this is ridiculous, considering how much hype they put behind the Legacy of Romulus...
  • Mine froze at 46%, even though the launcher is still taaking up a ton of memory and using an awful lot of CPU power. I don't know whether to kill the launcher and try to restart it or whether that would brick my game altogether. Anyone have experience with what to do after the patch freezes?
  • Finally found the assignment in Zeta Andromedae and started it. Thanks guys for the help. I just hope my DOFFs don't botch the assignment...
  • Thanks for the reply. I actually have been checking those too (what I referred to in my original post as "officer category screens like Science or Operations"). Couldn't think of the proper name for them. But I've only ever seen the Trade sub-category appear when in the Current Map tab of the missions screen. And I've…