Greetings Civilians! On behalf of all of Starfleet Dental and affiliates, as their sworn Dear Leader, I apologize for any inconvenience they may have caused. I hereby pardon all members and affiliates for these actions. Play the game how you see fit to provide a fun gaming environment for all! Butts Dear Leader of…
“And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am Dear Leader when I lay my vengeance upon you” ― Swiss Knight, Book of Butts: Dear Leader Version
Bajorans have enslaved the fashion industry for far too long! As your First Cardassian Galactic President, Butts, I will abolish the slavery of "fashion" and bring about a newer, equal clothing! Free of segregation and khaki; all colors shall be represented in space with equality! Vote Butts/Druk 2409
Dear Leader had abandoned the false Starfleet Dental because He had known of their corruption and poor gaming skills. Dear Leader had appointed a Successor that had been embroiled in controversy for relations with other members. Dear Leader had appointed me to maintain the purity and sanctity that is Starfleet Dental in…
"I was sent by Dear Leader to spread truth and your efforts to silence me are pitiful! Bajorans caused the Romulus explosion! They are war criminals!" -- Butts, Diplomatic Leader of Starfleet Dental, Prior to execution in Bajor, 12/22/12
Dear Starfleet Dental, I am proud to see the fleet that I brought back from the dead to bring hope to other players once again. Dear Leader salutes you!
Greetings all that have voted for the Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Starfleet Dental, I am proud of each and every one of you that have voted. You will find an honorary catfish sandwich at the end of voting in your mail. Yours, Butts
If this ship is from the 23rd century, would it technically be over 200 years old? What's the going rate for vintage ships and when can we put custom dog fighting skins on them?
Dear current thread trolls: Did you know that the warp plasma ejected from your ship are pheromones released from the bleaching process to create white orion females? Well now you do! This important tidbit of information was acknowledged by Dear Leader Himself when he first created the Starfleet Dental Academy! Feel like…
Greetings everyone! Starfleet Dental would like to announce the recent acquisition of fleet XTER1NTY! If you are pleased with this news, give yourself a pat on the back because we wouldn't have done it without you! The current leader has stepped down from office where their private secretary has stepped in. I am also…
Dear Potential Recruits: We are open for business! Feel free to contact @railrokh, @nabreeki and @blueweak if you would like to join the Academy! You have have heard a lot about me and if you haven't, then don't worry! I love each and every one of you as if you were my own children. Sincerely, Glutes Diplomatic Authorty…
Dear shaiza9191. Give me a few months and I may be able to fly there and give them something good. Yours Truly, Glutes Master of Ceremonies Starfleet Dental/Academy
Dear shadowfang240, Cryptic Studios is not located in the same city as Perfect World Entertainment. Sincerely, Glutes Diplomatic Advisor Starfleet Dental/Academy
Dear repetitiveepic, Living here is pretty difficult. Rent is through the roof. I hope this discourages you. Sincerely, Glutes Diplomatic Advisor Starfleet Dental/Academy
Dear fourxgamer, My name is not based on the beloved bluegeek, just to clarify. You can continue to believe whatever else you want. Yes, I was invited. Yes, they knew who I am and what I've done. I also brought candy so it wasn't so bad. Sincerely, Glutes Diplomatic Advisor Starfleet Dental/Academy
Dear questerius, It is under my impression that you have been mislead by those who wish to tarnish our glorious reputation. I have worked diligently in the past to maintain a positive relationship between my fleet, Starfleet Dental, and the entirety of Star Trek Online. Any rumors you wish to address, feel free to message…
Thomasthecat said he put the rest of the Klondike Bars into a freezer, did you at least get to have one? Dear TacoFangs, It is regretful that I did not get to meet you and clarify if you indeed were a tacofang, let alone many. I hope you were able to enjoy at least one Klondike bar before they were eaten, taken away or…
Dear fourxgamer, The overall motive for the entire trip is confidential and the events that played out exceeded our expectations. As for technical issues, we asked about things that were to be kept within the studios. When visiting, you must sign an NDA and I wish to honor that. As far as I know, there was a patch planned…
Dear users of this community: It was my pleasure to visit Cryptic Studios and share my experiences with all of you. I believe we have neglected to show what was exactly inside the ice chest, and I regret not taking a picture. I have attached the following image of my receipt upon purchase of the items, the day we visited.…