I've managed to "acquire" a second fed fleet from someone who no longer wanted it,It's the beta in an armada with my main fleet.I'm in a multi gaming clan called "Bm8" ( which is also the name of the fleet) ,which also plays world of tanks among others.I've been told that if my "new" fleet gets enough members,the clan will…
For me,this is a game breaker.There are a lot of zen store items I'd like,but I had to quit work to care for my partner-as a result I can't afford to buy zen with real life money.Painful as this is for me,uninstalling could well be in my near future.
I've got one fleet already which is me and my fed alts,and things are going well.However,I want to "retire" my kdf alts and replace them with more fed alts-but there are quite a few,so I want to start a second fed fleet,which will be entirely my new fed alts,then see if I can create an armada which is just me.Yes,I know…
It's reassuring to know that STO is prepared to do something like this for a good cause. Here in the UK,we have the "great ormond street hospital" which does something remarkably similar. I probably speak for the majority of my fellow British STO players when I say that if STO did a similar event in aid of great ormond…
How about a "how to" for foundry mission creation? I don't know if you've done one before and I've missed it,but some months ago I bought 4 foundry slots and have absolutely no idea how to do what I want to with them.
Looking forward to the livestream. Loved last week's one,but I couldn't join in because the instance was full :( Could you select the least populated instance this week please,smirk?