I wonder if the borg Cooperative if they where around in this time would hook up with the people from like, Micrion, that would be interesting to see, we would end up having some epic borg tech going on. if of course there was some kind of temporal incursion.
A lot of "good" and "help" could come from the Cooperative, if I remember right, they didn't attack anyone, so THOSE drones where like allies to everyone lol.
the question was never really answered, but this sounds like Cooperative territory, one borg as one point had to be reminded to stay linked to Kursus, indicating that even though Huge was not a part of that borg faction, they could in fact detach themselves at will from the others without being forced to do so. Thus, one…
I take it we both have the only dressed Orions in the game, props hehe but as for authenticity of the species, would be a good edit to the species dialog, possibly even some background included in it, but the only factor is the Dialog work they would have to do, lot of work for the outcome I'm sure.
apparently so lol, but as for the OP's suggestion, the Mods where kind enough to leave it up in this thread, samt1996 has a valid point behind that, borg babies wouldn't know anything about what to do next after they grew into drones.
Attempt liberation of drones--->reason with drones if possible--->diplomatic solutions---> defend ship/crew---> offense/disable borg ships--->Destroy Borg ship/drones The best path ALL borg where once individuals, and still can be.
"piloting." that in it's self is the only "worth it" buff all around to make a ship from one pos into a good one that can pull damage even with VR Mk xii+ (just getting in the door at admiral)
At the current rate they would be playing for ever, for all of eternity, swatting away in the abyss, never knowing true DPS or firepower, endlessly struggling to catch up, it would almost seem pointless, but when they get there, yes, that will have gone trough everything DONE, everything, that el capitan, would be a…
the whole shard eh? if i do say so myself is sounds like the ENTIRE shard is on the line here. marks, levels, ships, sounds like all that work, gonna have to restart from scratch, I'm sure that they will spare the Z, well they could reset all THAT now could they? o:)
I don't pvp, here is my 2 cents, if the system que requirements would drop the requirements by 2 players needed every 10-15 minutes server side and just launch what is in the que at the time it finally hits the total of players in it, the problem would be solved for those looking for a match.