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astimingpyle Arc User



  • How about... 1 Dil for every Bridge Officer ability activation 2 Dil for every Weapon activation 3 Dil for every innate Captain ability activation 100 Dil penalty for any unnecessary Combat related ability activation, while not in combat Then before you enter a mission, you may get a message saying something like: "You…
  • Nope, that did nothing. Thanks anyway Update... actually it did work! Had a momentary case of cranial flatulence there... but yes, it did work! Thanks again mightybobcnc!
  • Can you direct me to any information that verifies that enemy resistance can go negative? I've heard that you cannot reduce a target's resistance more than 10% and -resist effects do not stack beyond that 10%. I've not been able to find anything that confirms or debunks this.
  • This thread was pointed out to me when I suddenly experienced game stopping lag, and told my fleetmates I couldn't play, not even solo. I removed the trait Reactive Repair Nanites and the lag disappeared. Now I can use my carriers again.
  • Well, yes, I do change things. When I acquire a new ship, I usually remove the Mk X white gear it comes with and equip the ship with Mk XII gear and add Bridge Officers. I usually have a build already planned out, so once I gear up, I don't change things except for the replenishing of batteries. This bug was intermittent…
  • Yeah, wish I had painstakingly read through the forums before I spent so much getting this Elachi set. Glad to hear a fix is underway. Maybe the set wont have been a waste of my time and resources.
  • Thanks, I figured it was too good to be true!
  • If I thought this was a permanent fix for the bug, I wouldn't have used phrases such as "...when the bug strikes..." I didn't say it was a fix for the problem, Its a method of returning your "stuff" to the way you want it after the bug strikes. I find that batteries fail to load and become unslotted when I've used up a…
  • Hmmm. Sorry to hear that. Did you create both the empty and the filled out loadouts in system space as opposed to sector space? I find that loadouts saved or created in sector space tends to lead to scrambled trays from time to time.
  • Scimitar nerf? Surely not! Scimitars are only available to Romulans... Cryptic's chosen people! ;)
  • It's not you, its a bug. Check out this link, as I've been plagued with this same problem, and found a work around that works very effectively.
  • It seemed to me that your answer is saying that your other characters will have access to the same ship, rather then a different ship of the same type. I just wanted to make it clear that it is not a transfer of a ship, its a different ship of the same type that you can claim for free.
  • For clarity, the above posters are correct, but it is important to note that they are referring to "type of ship" rather then a "specific ship." You cannot transfer a specific ship from one character to another even in the case of the characters being on the same account. So if you have, let's say a C-Store Avenger (not…
  • Hmmmm... Can't find the "Thumbs Up", or a "Like" button. Guess I'll have to do it manually. 'Liked this post' 'Thumbs up'
  • I agree for the most part, as there are a few T5 and T5-U ships that are either on par, or are actually superior to their closest T6 counterpart. The one big difference is, the T5-U does not offer ship traits via level 5 Ship Mastery as T5-U only go to level 4 Ship Mastery.
  • Threat management does exist in this game, but it is the most poorly functioning threat management I've ever seen in an MMO. There is very little point in trying to manage threat because even with Threat maxed out in your skill tree, and additional threat added via science consoles, you need to be on a team with a bunch of…
  • I totally agree. But to be clear, DOffs are saved... well are supposed to be saved with the loadout. When I save a loadout, it lists Duty Officers among the things in the feedback of what was saved. So it must be a bug that the Duty Officers are not being saved. Another thing, to make Duty Officers work with loadouts, we…
  • Here is a work around that has been very effective for me and many from my fleet, but it's not entirely bug defeating. Go to ground Open your ship status window and completely remove everything so your ship has no gear, no devices. Remove all your bridge officers from their stations (ship only, you can leave shuttle and…
  • You wont get a ship trait from the Avenger. You get the ship trait from ships that have tier 5 ship mastery. The Avenger, even after being upgraded to T5-U only goes to T4 ship mastery. However, as performance goes, a T5-U Avenger is a great ship!
  • List of Upgradable Ships http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/7002163
  • Patrols were not an exploit, something within some patrols were an exploit.
  • My general rule of thumb is, if it is not hardware, like torpedos, and you can contribute it to a fleet project or rep project, you can put it in the bank. Also, you can put regenerators that you use to heal your injuries from ground elites, and components you use to fix your ships from space elites in the bank. I can't…
  • An argument about what? Whether or not the playerbase should bother giving feedback? That's all my argument was about. Interestingly enough here is a quote from quantummeerkat of the Cryptic Studios Team... "You are correct, it was not the intention for the fleet alerts to be level 60. We will get it fixed as soon as…
  • I do not dispute this. But, my point has nothing to with what it was the devs implemented in response to players wanting more challenging queues. What the devs implemented is irrelevant to my point. My point was that the devs did respond, which is something they can't have done if they had ignored the players demands. Not…
  • My point was not about the demands of the 1%, it was about why we should bother to give feedback. Not implementing the suggestions made by the players does not = ignoring the players. They took a common complaint and addressed it. The success or failure of what was implemented in response is irrelevant to my point. The…
  • I'm not disputing that. My point was not about what the devs actually implemented, my point was about that fact that the reason they implimented any changes at all to the "difficulty" of the queues was because they did not ignore the feedback from players. My point is about why we should "bother" to give feedback.
  • My point had absolutely nothing to do with with how hard the queues are, or why the devs changed them. My point was about the fact that the devs do listen to the players, and the changes made to the queues were a result of that. In response to "Why bother?" because the devs do listen, that's why we should bother to give…
  • The very reason the queues were made more difficult was because a rather large population of the player base complained that the queued events, on elite, were too easy, and provided no challenge. I've witnessed for myself how most of the elites provided very little challenge to so many players flying ships that exceed 12k…
  • Interesting. I don't know what to say. No one in my fleet has been able to save their channel settings on one char then apply them to their other characters either, they all have the same complaint I do. The HUD can be saved and applied to other characters, but none of the chat settings. The chat settings all stay at their…