Same here. Boff ground skills keep changing themselves away from those that I've selected. Very annoying when boffs start lunging instead of throwing grenades. Further, the skill window seems to get into a funky state where I can't even change the defaults. I can click on other skills that the affected officer possesses…
Correct; we covered that back on page 1 or 2. And the other half of that equation is content that matches this newfound power. This is the half that is missing from STO. Like I said to the other person, I accept that you find the Voth to be a difficult opponent but your experience is not universal.
And for the record, that worked. To leave a chat channel all you have to do is download a 7GB game. Simple and convenient. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to chop up a tree with a frozen ham sandwich, then burn the wood chips to make a cup of coffee.
I'm not necessarily advocating this, but in Neverwinter this problem is dealt with by locking players out of elite dungeons if they don't meet some minimum gear score.
That's why there's supposed to be a spread of content difficulty. Right now the game only presents a challenge to the folks who have no idea that their critH% exists. And frankly most pug-fails in STFs I've seen are due to people not understanding the steps; not a lack of pure dps. In fact, when the bonus in Conduit is…
I accept that you find it difficult to deal with the Voth. Your experience however is not universal. In my experience they die like the barrel-bound fish that they are, just like everything else. The point is that player power continues to scale up while NPC enemy power remains minimal and unchallenging.
No. Having mechanics other than firing doesn't make them any "harder". Their damage output pales in comparison to ours, and so does their ability to take damage. Tholians and Voth are as weak as any other enemies in the game.
The problem here however is that it's not older content that is trivialized. There has been no level cap increase to draw a line between older content and new. In STO all enemies are equally powerless against the upward slope of player power. The brand new bad guys are just as impotent as the oldest of them.
I figured that was the case. Thanks for confirming that the 7GB download isn't a waste of time. Well, let me rephrase that; thanks for confirming that it will solve the problem.
Oh man, I just realized this isn't even STO's trade channel. It's from Champions Online. In Cryptic's system chat channels cross game boundaries, sometimes with unforeseen consequences. This would be one of those times. /channel_join trade put me on CO's trade channel, which is why I can't do anything with it here in STO.…
Yeah you're right. I just joined to try it out and now I'm in the same boat. channel_leave trade has no effect, clicking the leave button on the channels window has no effect, and I can't deselect the channel because there's no checkbox for it. Cool!
The more coherent version being that the OP wants replayed missions to award tokens which would be redeemable for any reward in a replay award store. Skee-ball tickets, basically. I don't want to say this is a horrible idea because that sounds unintentionally insulting, but an alternative phrasing eludes me at the moment.…
You can tell that many people don't really understand boffs from the seemingly random pricing you'll find on the exchange. For boffs, rarity or "color" by itself means very little. Traits and rare skills are where the value truly lies, and this is what makes one boff more valuable than another. Generally, the higher the…
As I explained to the guy above you, your personal belief of what the average PC is and the reality are quite a bit different. This is not a matter of opinion, interpretation, or belief. It is a matter of data, and the data is there for all to see. In any case I have little interest in seeing this game ported over to…
I sound like someone who looked up actual user stats from various sources like Unity and Steam instead of making up data. This is incorrect. Correct information can be looked up at your leisure. You will find that the number of dual core PCs in current use is actually quite staggering. Global user stats show that this is a…
For the current console generation that would be an 8-core x86 cpu and a DirectX 11 / sm5 class GPU, which exceeds the specs of the average PC currently in use in the world. Remember you have to compare it to what people actually have, not the bleeding edge of what they could get. Why do you think so many games are still…
I love PVP in an MMO -- unless the PVP is a completely self-contained minigame that has no impact on or connection to the larger game world. There are so many possibilities; fighting for areas of the map that grant access to special instances, offering buffs or other boons to the side currently winning a particular cyclic…
I agree completely that torpedoes are absolutely iconic and that it's a shame they're not more widely used. But the reason they are not used is because they are not useful. Specialized weapon slots are not the solution because the problem is not a lack of weapon slots. The problem is the way torpedoes are implemented in…
I used to lose my boffs from their stations all the time. I can't swear to you that what I'm about to suggest is actually a "fix", but it is true that it stopped happening to me after I did this. Along with boffs disappearing from their stations I was also confronted by clones of one boff on the character select screen.…
It sounds like the OP is seeing the same thing I am, explained more fully here:
Video link showing the issue in action: I've seen at least one other person report this except that it was misdiagnosed as simply "I can't see my own listings". The problem is actually a little trickier than that. What's happening is that searching by string with…
I'm also having this issue. No, the doffs in question are not from the wrong faction. And if you think about it, if that were the case then I would still be able to sell them on the exchange. There are two doffs in my roster that I cannot assign to any mission or any station. I cannot remove them from my roster by selling…
Exactly. This is not a strongly class-based game so the whole "ninja" thing doesn't apply. It's not as though wizards are rolling on warrior-only gear. Need in this game is at best only a preference. This is about as far from being an actual problem as you can get. The worst you can say about the system is that there's an…