looking impressive so far but one thing that has still bugged me even with the current look of ESD are those doors on the upper bridge of the ESD interior ive still been curious with them as theyve served no purpose. With this new ESD overhaul what pupose will those doors on the upper concourse bridge serve as will the…
funny u should mention that since ive been googling another as of late and i came across a slightly bigger carrier varient of the Typhon class which u might find interesting when i came across this
funny u've all been talking about this Typhon carrier since i just found on google a varient which would be a perfect suited match for the Typhon with those 3 nacelled pair design (6 nacelles) That would be the Valkyrie class the only adition of this carrier varient is having a Defiant escort in adition to the standard…
Funny yall should mention this Bundle since theres a Varient of the Typhon which i think would fit well with that ship in this Bundle which i once searched up on Google that has quite a fan made reputation. Tell me how many of you here on this fourm have heard of a Carrier varient named after the Valkyrie fighters…
Thats what I too was thinking Until one particular wolf359 battle recreation that ive been watching on youtube made me realize that there was only one tmp connie that managed to survive that Wolf359 battle. Which made cryptic think that if that was possible that they would test that by doing the same with this well mmm as…
ive found the class of this varient and the imge where this came from. This I belive is the Obena class Enterpise-E-Excelsior inspired Varient https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Obena_class
Interesting But I would speculate that Whoever constructed the Whale Probe came from an Ai several times more ancient yet more advanced than that of the Iconians let alone the Preservers
The first probe minigame is flawed and a joke These mini games are iritating. The first one. No subtracting will not work I tried it and I got nothing out of it. God Damnit give some tips already for these probe minigames!!
hahah Indeed. So if theyre bringing the JJ verse (Alternate Reality) to STO then perhaps they may get the chance to bring in another ship that appeared in Into Darkness the Section 31 Dreadnought Class USS Vengeance. Marcus's ship
So the Rumors that ships from the JJ verse would be arriving in STO has been confirmed. If the Kelvin and JJ Prise are gonna be arriving in STO then perhaps they may intend to bring in the Vengance when the time is right. Hmmm Barriers between realities broken down. I like the sound of that So in other words the barries…
Oh yes I have heard much about that. The Delta Rising Pack and now a Delta Rising pack expansion. Ive seen Delta Rising on Steam. And for a game pack it is quite pricey