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  • Well, I always think it's a sad thing if game content is removed instead of being fixed or improved. Or at least most of the time. All the work that was put into it at one point (even if it's not that much) will be wasted. And more often than not, if a developer decides to replace a feature with something new or different,…
  • No, this is a case of game mechanics not being documented (again..), AND apparently not working properly. You can't possibly imply that all the players reporting 'interesting' or outright broken (see examples in this thread) rewards are simply too stupid to figure out how the system works, even if only roughly. Why don't…
  • Would you like to elaborate? Last time I checked disco balls were not a part of the Star Tek movies or TV shows. Do you want to dictate what's fun and what's not? Do you want Cryptic to do that? Do you think that would be good business practice? Last time I checked, anoying your customers wasn't. But yeah, whatever. I…
  • Well I think it's simple. Playing the game is just not rewarding. By this I don't mean to say the game in general isn't fun at all. I just mean there's little incentive to play any of it for anything else than what you know you'll receive. In most cases that's some grind progressing reward. And you can get pretty much…
  • Well, better late than never. Good change and long overdue. :cool: My characters are all done with the Rom rep, but I'm happy for all the players who were struggling and will now, hopefully, find it a lot easier to progress.
  • Hello, this problem reminded me of the emote issue on Risa. So I'm going to post the old workaround I found back then. I'm not sure if it works, but maybe it can be adapted and also works as a solution for removing the trade channel messages: Of course you would have to replace "MessageType Emote" with "MessageType Trade",…
  • That would be a great game. But companies nowadays don't want to make good games. They want to make profitable games. Not that a good game wouldn't sell well, mind you. But it's so much easier to just go for cash, and skip the 'well made'. Saves a lot of work.
  • Power.. wait for it wait for it! wait fooooor iiiiiit!! >>CREEP<< But hey, they can still top this. Bio warship stats with 40k hull and 1.2 shield anyone? Room to 'improve'. Whatever. Good thing this game doesn't require such ships, so I'm free to go for style instead. However I doubt they will be able to keep this up for…
  • Nice work on the new heads. Thank you for the improvements. While you're at it, the hairstyles also need to be looked at to make this shine. Haircuts make up quite a big part of a character's appearance, and a lot of players use the same hairstyles, since only a few are perceived as good-looking and most of them are…
  • That's some completely made up scenario. You mix up buyer and seller perspective, too. Why would a seller use the more time consuming and less comfortable way of selling between chars, if he can just as well use the exchange? I mean, apart from trying to find someone stupid enough, which wouldn't be new since they already…
  • F2P game, free market without fees and bored, rich, greedy players. Nothing special to see here, move along. Personally I would like to see every item sold at the exchange to be bound to account. Yet of course there's the problem of trades shifting to chat and personal handover. So that's probably just wishful thinking.…
  • This and what the OP wrote can be applied to me and the fleet I'm a member of. You don't want to miss out, so you go along with it. But this perceived 'mandatoriness' combined with the amount of repetition kills all the fun. If there wasn't a special doff attached, skipping it would be a lot easier. And "You don't have to…
  • Just reduce the rewards based on the number of injuries you join the match with. If you heal any injuries in the first 1-2 minutes, that should not result in a penalty. Problem fixed.
  • Completely right. If only all the complainers would realize that with the limited yet boosted new traits you can min-max even harder. You just can't have everything at once anymore. And that's a good thing imho. All in all you will have fewer traits now, but stronger ones, which means more specialization, more choices. It…
  • Apart from the additional BZ, I would actually welcome those ideas. Sorry to say that. I don't like the current min-maxing trend, and people with zero ground traits are even harder to convince for some ground combat. That being said, 4 slots each might indeed be a bit too few. 5 should work. I like challenges and choices,…
  • Hey devs, you managed to surprise me! :-) A bold step into the right direction. Kudos! I'm really curious to see how this will play out in the long run. To be absolutely honest, I am not really worried of it being a nerf or not. The game is easy enough and not exactly challenging as it is. And I like limits and choices…
  • Dude, too much level headed common sense in one post. Don't waste it all on one reply. Where's the hyperbole? Where's the rant? Where's the personal attack? I'm deeply disappointed.
  • Because it's the easy way out of the mess they created? But I guess you already knew that and it was just a rhetorical question ;-) I mean, introducing new, bigger and better stuff with some borderline overpowered items for an extended period of time and then 'resetting' it all by increasing the level cap - makes perfect…
  • Speak for yourself please. I don't. Apart from that, yeah, whatever floats your boat I guess. Personally I don't think spoiling kids or players is a good idea. Even Undine ships will get old very quickly. But again, just different opinions.
  • Add to that Defera Invasion Zone. If I remember correctly I made something around 40k or so XP in a short amount of time.
  • This. There are people who just don't like ground combat. Well that's perfectly ok. Matter of taste. But there are also a LOT of players with just a strong bias. Granted, ground is more difficult than space. There are no faceroll 'look mom! ima invincibur!' builds. And in some fights you can't just happily re-spawn.…
  • Content? I thought the most important content for PvP was balance, first and foremost. And maybe some good matchmaking. A lot of Counterstrike players were happy with one map (de:dust). The same for Team Fortress (two forts). Fixed classes, fixed equipment. Still fun gameplay. But premium game content aka 'it's bigger &…
  • Absolutely this. But obviously a small yet vocal minority (plus Cryptic themselves as it seems) actually likes their space orks and doesn't mind driving off less, erm.. unscrupulous players in the process. J'mpok is a moron, and the Klingons are depicted as bloodthirsty, pretty much brainless and actually honorless brutes.…
  • Oh noes! ONE game mechanics that can't be exploited anymore! The heavens are falling! Good riddance.. Harder versions for more marks? Sure, why not. More marks in general for content that has a horrible mark/time ratio? Absolutely! Exploits that make up for poor rewards or non challenging / not existing content? No thanks.…
  • 1. Zen Store VA Negh'Var 2. Zen Store VA Vor'Cha Both equipped with either a console or a weapon, to form a nice Ar'Kif like 2-piece set. And of course to be able to get the fleet versions with a discount, something that can be done with every iconic canon ship of the Federation (Defiant, Voyager, Sovereign, Galaxy,…
  • Yes it is because you can't fail it. I would very much prefer it if the misson would fail and cancel once the station gets destroyed/disabled. Maybe some players would even start to.. learn and improve. It's not like this is some overly complex level. It's actually less demanding than most classic MMOs' standard dungeons.…
  • To answer your question directly: Yes, simply visit the Embassy and dump (a lot of) FC/Dil. Don't worry, there is no random luck involved. The rare (blue) male tactical officer, as you will see in the tooltip, always has SRO. It's fixed. Side note: To get more than one, you first have to put him into your active roster.…
  • From the top of my head two suggestions: 1. If you have problems with tanking, and don't have access to fleet items, get the full borg space set. The set bonuses are well worth it (hull repair proc, shield repair proc, free hazard emitter). But you have to run high shield power to make it shine. So it works best with a…
  • We just need innate energy damage resistance on the hull, like shields have resistance to kinetic. Certainly not as high. Max 30%. And maybe a bit of tac console stacking penalty. Tanking skills adjusted so things still go pop.
  • But marketing 101 says so. Welcome to the modern world. I'm on your side btw. Personally I couldn't care less about a giveaway, since I can afford whatever I want or need ingame. But that's not the point. Wow, you do realize that an eloquently or even politely formulated insult is still that, an insult? The fact that you…