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andromedarebel Arc User



  • I've been in for 6 hours...now I'm locked out, as are all of my friends. Even though the server status still says it's up. What is going on?
  • T-Day...when the turkeys stormed Normandy. Remember the fallen, as we roast them in our ovens. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • EVERYONE WITH THIS PROBLEM PLEASE READ THIS POST: Don't worry about getting new launchers, re-downloading the game, re-installing, just wait, I've been told by a 4 year veteran of the game this usually always happens when a new season is released. As its Thanksgiving weekend, we're all screwed till atleast monday, but lets…
  • Same thing here, started late last night, and its 5:41pm now. My buddy, a veteran of over 4 years, says it is NOT the launcher, it always does this when a new season is released and it will be fixed, just wait for them to do so, most likely monday as tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I'm so livid words cannot explain...if they…
  • That wasn't it, its STILL been doing it alllll day today. I even re-ran the setup, and copied the 'Live' folder so as not to have to re-patch EVERYTHING, and it STILL FREAKING DOES THIS AND I CANNOT PLAY THE FRAGGIN' GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • It seems it may just be the server is private for the dev's, maybe after the update the launcher will work again? We'll see.
  • i cant load the STO launcher, it says 'trying to update the launcher, please be patient, tried connecting 2 times. then it says "unable to establish connection to Patch Server. please check your internet connection. if problems persist, please contact technical support", but my internets working fine, and its doing it to…