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alen9th Arc User



  • Yes i understand that but there is some fractions that dont like that and or try to sabotage that on eidwr side...if you are KDF you get kdf ships in fleet alert to fight...why is this difrent...i am shure that is the case for FED too
  • Hmmm what did you expect...it is clear as day it is exploit to use forums in manner we use it... If players have fun or it is too good to be true it is an exploit and need to be dealed with as such... Dislamer: Any familiarity with RL people or quetes made by cryptic EP are accidental and clearly mistake by my side
  • NO...tribbles from server tribble they didnt feed them after all those hard work testing new expansion then they mutined and overrun holodeck hampsters
  • yeah nice...just in the end of the ISA...we were fighting tac cube...oooo holy raggeeee...and we told you yesturday not forget to feed server tribbles
  • I tryed new ISA with guys from public STF and it was preety fun for us...at least for me...it i am DPS mogai and i was in there with 3 cruisers and 1 more DPS...it was hard and we bairly miss optional like 30 sec after time run out we killed tac cube...but at the end we all agreed it was fun...still diff need to be…
  • I know for shure i wont pay a dime any more for whatever upgrade...what is next step they will ask from me and others to pay the bug fixes...my god this is geting worse then SWTOR there you at least know what are you buying and paying...and that isnt a case here any more...LOL to pay for the SAME ship 3 times or…
  • So let me ge if i understand corectly...9 caracters all flying difrent ships with difrent builds...25$ per ship +5$ per FSM...and then you want more 5 to 10 $ per ship and i dont get T6. I get some 5 ship that is wors then T6 from the start....YEAH RIGHT LIKE THAT GOONA HAPPEN...i just realised i forgot to plant my money…
  • I think it is a gret idea but they need to restric teams to same number of players..FED or KDF..it wouldnt fun if there were 15 FED and 2 KDF...I adore kerrat and the PVP component in it..you kill or get killed,you are alone or in group waiting in ambush...i support this idea and think it is great...
  • And it is a quite a problem when you try to collect on 8 difrent alts + crafting...it takes foreverrrr:eek::mad: