So Branflakes has confirmed at least something for STDL: "Going to Star Trek Destination London? I should have news for you towards the end of the week on how you can score the Holo Leeta DOFF!"
Dude, relax. I'm not even the one who said I got 1900-2200 damage. Check to whom you're replying in your fits of rage. Personally I'm a sci captain in an Armitage, and put out at three times that amount of damage. However, I have run an Oddy with various trials with DPS counters on 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 beams. In all of those…
So that's why builds like the Dragon Build are so popular, is it? Oh wait, no! Everyone stop. kaeaja knows better than everyone, and that if you're running more than four beam arrays you're just a sitting duck for most of the time, uselessly pounding at the enemy. Or maybe EPtW exists for a reason.
"la la la la can't hear you! I am right and you're wrong" Looks like someone drank too caffeine or forgot to take their Ritalin. Fact is, people do buy keys on either the C Store or the exchange. And people do buy additional SW disruptors.
Oh yes, they're aware they were Star Trek references. The other options were LotR related, or Asterix characters (at least the ones that were shortlisted, there were about 200 other suggestions)