tried logging in just a moment a got and got this "Unable to authenticate: Connection to the account server timed out" please don't tell me this thing is back again cryptic?
going to be funny running around with a prime universe Excelsior in the Alt Reality 23rd Century but all in all i'm rather interest in this move i hope it will pan out.
From the way Warthunder Turned out I personally i have my doubts about being able to continue using my progress that i've done since this game went f2p.
how will we purchases the Mirror universe uniforms with Lobi, Zen or what. oh another thing can the mirror starships like the Mirror Star Criuser and co get the current mirror Material(the red strip colour)
so the devron's name has been removed and the new name is the Yamato? and i was wondering how come the Excelsior didn't get a Remodel or was it fine as it is.
just notice the gorn emblem in the poster alot like the one in star trek starfleet command
their are Two workaround one is the one talked about in the 1st part of this thread and the second is start from the begining. get yourself into a 5 man team one man goes threw the lift door(make sure it someone that has already done the mission) and do it that way