Not just that but the Negh'tev has both the highest crew and lowest hull of the three. At least other KDF cruisers have more hull to make up for their giant crew sizes.
Are you still looking for volunteers? I can't be on for the beginning of this but I know some European players that might be able to help at the start. I can be on in one of those areas late though, possibly until 11 pm eastern.
Twitch highlight from earlier today. Not too bad, far closer to what it was like in season 6. Someone with Gravity well is almost certainly going to be necessary though, and it won't be a turkey shoot like it has been the last 3 seasons. And yeah on a good day this character gets around 5k dps.
Actually the question is a classic double question. Is there a custom bridge, and B can you wear swimwear on it. The no is most definitely directed at B, and unsure at the main question of is there a custom bridge.
I wonder if the Sensor Analysis stacks will go away when you activate Tactical mode or will they stay (though unable to get more stacks) until you go back to science mode?
Team Setesh raiders (kdf) Eliska@Sorchus @biohunter (engi) @p52smith (engi mogh) @frostovski (sci Obilisk [token romulan ally since we found it hard to get a kdf sci character]) @angrybobh (tac, haven't seen since volunteering) Potential spelling errors in handles due to posting from mobile device, will edit later, with…
So what sort of numbers do you need? And for what factions? Cause while you say you need more I feel that the additional info would help. (I have a couple of viable character/ship set ups, but A) don't generally PVP and B) it sounds like you need whole teams more than anything else)
All I want is Christmas decorations that can be put in my ships trophy case. Really simple to do and another reason to actually use your ship interiors.
Happening to me also, in sector space, space combat and on the ground in starbase 39 at least. So far opening a menu seems to cancel out the error most of the time, however having a menu open doesn't stop the error from occurring.
First thing first, the piercing plasma rifle and the other special LoR plasma weapons have up to Mk XI purples in the dillithium store. Running around with a white IX just shows how little you've looked into the various aspects of this. Secondly the Piercing rifle really shouldn't be mated to a spike damage grenade…