Well, biggest problem I've found is that I can no longer use my multimedia keys (my keyboard now forces the F keys), and the Music Player tool in-game does not work. This could be a deal breaker, guys......Not only does it keep me from using my volume/multimedia keys, it forces goofy commands that I don't use. Note, this…
Well, the install went smoothly. I hit launch, and it launched the old launcher:confused:, so as yet I see little use in this portion of the tool, but time will tell. Other than that, I haven't noticed any problems. The Arc overlay is interesting, but I cannot use the actual internet as yet. This would be handy for…
So far, I absolutely love the story. It's a massive improvement over the previous story lines. It's not as painfully obvious, and the writing is much, much better. The drop tables are a little off (Tholians dropped food, seriously?), but that's a "mechanical" issue that can be worked on later. I'd say give the Federation…
I noticed some graphic/artifact errors: - such as at the character select. My boffs were missing heads and there was random stuff just floating around. That being said, I love the new select screen. - Also, the cinematics have a lot of problems. Singularity core abilities are definitely interesting, love the charge…
Honestly, a visuals update to armor across the board would be nice. The Guard colors for the MACO set would be good, and honestly, can we make the standard armor look less "crossing guard"? Seriously, who the hell would wear that TRIBBLE into combat?
1. In-Game @handle: @a19spectre 2. Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Tactical/AdvEscort 3. Language (we can offer instruction in the following languages: English, German, and Spanish): English 4. Session you will Participate In (i.e., CET session or EST session): EST 5. Do you have any impairments we need to be…
Ingame @handle: @a19spectre Faction (You may indicate both if you have no preference. If you do this, then we will place you in a faction): Fed Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Tac / Adv Escort Languages (e.g., English, German, French, etc.) Interested mainly in space or ground? Session You will Participate In…