Now I've had the sub since launch on Xbox (I mistakenly thought it included the stipend, I should have read the fine print lol) I think its time to flesh it out now, everyone and their dog is now running around with Borg parts, so reclaimed Borg is moot now, no one and I mean NO ONE plays as a Talaxian (you can't even use the parts for your Boff's), the uniforms are dated and the unique ships are out classed easily by pretty much most T6 store ships.
The whole idea of the lifetime sub needs a long hard look and an overhaul. I believe the Captain's Table gives a good opportunity for a veteran vendor (consoles, weapons, cosmetics). Create a currency for sub holders/veterans to use at this vendor.
Update the uniforms, Some of the recent uniforms added make the veteran uniform pieces look well really bad.
Most importantly the ships need a bit of work (to put them on par with some of the other heavy hitters, basically a meta trait with good seating).
Finally let us play as a Vorta or DISCO/SNW Aenar (or a race that could work across all factions that is not available (or can be created)).
Basically give the player base a reason to buy the sub because at the moment there is no real reason (apart from the ZEN stipend on PC) to lay out a large amount of money for this, and no amount of sales will fix this.
We still get little perks like continuous XP boost for new characters, extra free skill respecs, auto-refinement of dil, and fireworks.
I got mine on PC back in December 2014 so the stipend has paid it back. For new players the current features feels more like a 10,000 zen package than 20,000 (on sale, console) or $300 on PC on sale. I agree the membership needs some tweaks and boosts to justify the current price to new players even on sale for 30%-50% off.
We still get little perks like continuous XP boost for new characters, extra free skill respecs, auto-refinement of dil, and fireworks.
Yeah those little perks are nice, but in the overall scheme of things not worth the hefty price tag.
I would ideally like to see the heavy destroyers get a serious overhaul to bring them into the modern state of the game. I mean when a ship costing 3000 Zen has better stats, seating, console and trait no one uses them. I rarely see them flown. (I tried min/maxing the T6 Manticore as both FAW/TORP but neither could really hit the big numbers, they are just 'meh' ships all around.
The veteran uniform pieces are being outclassed by the REP armours/uniforms so they really need reworking.
The 2 playable classes unique to the Sub are not worth it as I previously stated, with the release of one of the latest episodes any character is now a reclaimed Borg and the Talaxian's really aren't a desirable race to play as. Especially as the race parts are locked to your captain.
Even the exclusive shuttles are 'poor' by the store standards and that's saying something.
Apart from introducing a different exclusive race to play as I previously mentioned, the only way I can see that can 'save' the sub on consoles is the exclusive vendor idea that I mentioned above. It would be a way to change the meta, and drive sales of the sub because players want the exclusive items from the vendor.
We still get little perks like continuous XP boost for new characters, extra free skill respecs, auto-refinement of dil, and fireworks.
Yeah those little perks are nice, but in the overall scheme of things not worth the hefty price tag.
I would ideally like to see the heavy destroyers get a serious overhaul to bring them into the modern state of the game. I mean when a ship costing 3000 Zen has better stats, seating, console and trait no one uses them. I rarely see them flown. (I tried min/maxing the T6 Manticore as both FAW/TORP but neither could really hit the big numbers, they are just 'meh' ships all around.
The veteran uniform pieces are being outclassed by the REP armours/uniforms so they really need reworking.
The 2 playable classes unique to the Sub are not worth it as I previously stated, with the release of one of the latest episodes any character is now a reclaimed Borg and the Talaxian's really aren't a desirable race to play as. Especially as the race parts are locked to your captain.
Even the exclusive shuttles are 'poor' by the store standards and that's saying something.
Apart from introducing a different exclusive race to play as I previously mentioned, the only way I can see that can 'save' the sub on consoles is the exclusive vendor idea that I mentioned above. It would be a way to change the meta, and drive sales of the sub because players want the exclusive items from the vendor.
If they do introduce a new race, it shouldn't be Vorta because right now the lack of Vorta is the biggest thing dragging the Gamma Recruit and "Jem'Hadar" faction in general down.
From what the devs have said in Ten Forward years ago when the problem was still being actively argued (it is on the gag order list now) it would be a huge amount of work to introduce them, and if it was not considered worth the effort back then to bring Vorta out for the whole playerbase, it would be even worse bringing them out for a small subset of the playerbase. If DECA decides in the future to bring them out it would be better for the longevity of the game, and the overall profitability of it, to do it for the whole playerbase.
What they really need is some kind of desirable "hero" race from the Alpha/Beta region (or maybe from the Delta if Prodigy brings one out) from SNW or one of the other newer shows, though I am not sure what that would be at the moment since I have not had Paramount+ since SNW's second season and so have lost track of current shows (maybe even a 'future' one from the Academy show whatever they plan to call it, or possibly something from the Section 31 movie if they ever finish the thing). That would be much easier to implement, and coming from an ongoing show it would be a bigger draw, especially to new players thinking of lifesubing.
Now I've had the sub since launch on Xbox (I mistakenly thought it included the stipend, I should have read the fine print lol) I think its time to flesh it out now, everyone and their dog is now running around with Borg parts, so reclaimed Borg is moot now, no one and I mean NO ONE plays as a Talaxian (you can't even use the parts for your Boff's), the uniforms are dated and the unique ships are out classed easily by pretty much most T6 store ships.
The whole idea of the lifetime sub needs a long hard look and an overhaul. I believe the Captain's Table gives a good opportunity for a veteran vendor (consoles, weapons, cosmetics). Create a currency for sub holders/veterans to use at this vendor.
Update the uniforms, Some of the recent uniforms added make the veteran uniform pieces look well really bad.
Most importantly the ships need a bit of work (to put them on par with some of the other heavy hitters, basically a meta trait with good seating).
Finally let us play as a Vorta or DISCO/SNW Aenar (or a race that could work across all factions that is not available (or can be created)).
Basically give the player base a reason to buy the sub because at the moment there is no real reason (apart from the ZEN stipend on PC) to lay out a large amount of money for this, and no amount of sales will fix this.
Bought it on PC and ground it for free on Xbox, and I don't regret either choice. They could do with a spruce up but you'll never see the stipend on XBox whilst LTS is available in the Zen store. The only way the stipend will be available is if they have it as a MS/Sony store purchase only. I got $200 worth of stuff for nothing but time on Xbox, so there's a good enough reason to get it on Xbox/PS. You can't grind it for free on PC, hence why it's 2/3rd's the price.
Totally agree about playable Borg; it's no longer a draw now you can get the gear through a mission (albeit of a different colour). Providing Vorta are locked out of the Jem'hadar faction (the 'Dominion' tutorial was made for Jem'hadar only, as has been said often enough), I've no problem with them being put it, but like Talaxians, hardly anyone will play as one.
Do we really need yet another currency!? No. We've too many as it is.
I think the best item to spruce this up is a choice-box of Infinity ship that is account-unlock (a la Mudd's).
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
I think the best item to spruce this up is a choice-box of Infinity ship that is account-unlock (a la Mudd's).
Do you really see them doing that? They already gave away an epic Phoenix ship account wide, but an infinity ship, that's asking a lot.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,880Community Moderator
One thing I would love to see is a revamp of The Captain's Table to have something you can't get anywhere else besides Peace and Quiet in chat. There really isn't anything you can get there that you can't get at ESD.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I think the best item to spruce this up is a choice-box of Infinity ship that is account-unlock (a la Mudd's).
Do you really see them doing that? They already gave away an epic Phoenix ship account wide, but an infinity ship, that's asking a lot.
Yes, I can see them doing that as they already have the choice box for the Campaign each year. I also think a T6 Ship Coupon and 3 T5U plus 3 T6X upgrades should also be in there, which brings it in line with the newer ship bundles.
The Epic token isn't available on LTS. It has only been available as part of an Event and a giveaway.
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
At the very least they need to modernize the liberated borg attachments
You can get much more impressive and modern pieces from a story episode and the exosuit and weapon from lobi that liberated don't even have
Little lobi and a mission and you can make more impressive borg than lifetimers...and they also aren't limited to just human, klingon, or romulan...depending on faction
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
... no one and I mean NO ONE plays as a Talaxian (you can't even use the parts for your Boff's), the uniforms are dated and the unique ships are out classed easily by pretty much most T6 store ships.
I generally agree with your idea however I have seen people playing Talaxian.
I think you can't use the parts for BOffs because you need to buy the Talaxian BOffs through Lobi
Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator and Resident She-Wolf
Community Moderators are Unpaid Volunteers and NOT Employees of Gearbox/Cryptic
Views and Opinions May Not Reflect the Views and Opinions of Gearbox/Cryptic
I know he was being sarcastic, but I have a Talaxian toon also...
Yeah I was trying to jump on the Neelix hate train. Didn't stick the landing though. I would like to know what other species everyone thinks could replace the liberated Borg though. It would have to fit into all factions (except TOS because reasons I suppose). Personally I think the either the Edosian or Undine.
One thing I would love to see is a revamp of The Captain's Table to have something you can't get anywhere else besides Peace and Quiet in chat. There really isn't anything you can get there that you can't get at ESD.
^^ This! The Captain's Table has nothing there to make it worthwhile to visit.
You can only access it via ESD/Qo'noS, which both have everything you already need, so why bother with the extra loading screen?
Let us Transwarp directly there.
It needs to have access to all other social zone merchants & facilities, so that we don't need to go everywhere else. I don't think it's unrealistic to have that convenience, which I believe is the intention of the Captain's Table.
Lobi Vendor, just like Drozana;
Bridge Officer Trainer, not just on ESD, Qo'noS & New Romulus Command;
Dilithium Refinement Duty Officer access, just like at the Academies (shared cooldown, of course);
Ability to Hail Viala/Ch'toh (i.e. Datachip & Lore Mission access, just like the Academies);
... no one and I mean NO ONE plays as a Talaxian (you can't even use the parts for your Boff's), the uniforms are dated and the unique ships are out classed easily by pretty much most T6 store ships.
I have a Talaxian character;
there's Talaxian bridge officers available;
I believe any ship in STO can be built to be competitive with any other.
However, I do think that Fleet Versions of the T5 & T6 ships shouldn't have been necessary - they should have been Fleet-equivalent already!
Jem'Hadar still do not have a Lifetime-exclusive shuttlecraft!
The 'Gunboat' would make an ideal Lifetime-exclusive shuttlecraft, but I think the Legendary Pilot Attack Ship may have stepped on those toes!
- - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Every ship can be competitive, but not all ships are made the same...the vet ships clearly show their age
Yep. I still love the Mat'Ha that I got in the Delta pack back in 2014 but aside from the unique scatter volley nose cannon it's outclassed by many newer ships. When I fly it I do so knowing I'm trading nostalgia for power.
Every ship can be competitive, but not all ships are made the same...the vet ships clearly show their age
Try putting a fully kitted out Manticore, which is classed as a Heavy Destroyer against... say a fully kitted out Terran Adamant, which is classed as a Heavy Raider. Both flown by someone of a similar skillset both with meta builds. I can pretty much guarantee who is going to win that fight.
I chose the Adamant as the foe ship as it is the closest ship to the Manticore but modern. But this would also work with the Legendary Defiant Pilot Warship or the Terran Hydra Intel Destroyer.
My point is, while I do not disagree with you, any ship can be made competitive, but the older ships eventually hit a wall. Whereas the newer ships outclass them on DPS, mainly because of seating, console and weapon layout. This is what I mean when I say they need an update to bring them into the modern game. Because as exclusive ships they are lacking against ships that you can get for 3000 zen from the store.
Every ship can be competitive, but not all ships are made the same...the vet ships clearly show their age
Try putting a fully kitted out Manticore, which is classed as a Heavy Destroyer against... say a fully kitted out Terran Adamant, which is classed as a Heavy Raider. Both flown by someone of a similar skillset both with meta builds. I can pretty much guarantee who is going to win that fight.
I chose the Adamant as the foe ship as it is the closest ship to the Manticore but modern. But this would also work with the Legendary Defiant Pilot Warship or the Terran Hydra Intel Destroyer.
My point is, while I do not disagree with you, any ship can be made competitive, but the older ships eventually hit a wall. Whereas the newer ships outclass them on DPS, mainly because of seating, console and weapon layout. This is what I mean when I say they need an update to bring them into the modern game. Because as exclusive ships they are lacking against ships that you can get for 3000 zen from the store.
I gotta disagree with you, older ship's DPS wall is nowhere near as big as you think they are. The game is so poorly geared for PvP it's not even worth considering the thought in your choice for what ship you fly. Just because a ship can't equip 8 Tac consoles and misses out on that extra 100 DPS because it only equips 7, doesn't mean it's worthless either. The Manticore is an extremely viable ship and doesn't need a revamp. Ships are built in particular ways to allow for many different playstyles, not just one shot kills, which the game really needs to get away from. I still fly a T5U-Kar'fi using non-specialist seating and can still vape ships handily, but it's not as thrilling as a good slog.
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
Now I've had the sub since launch on Xbox (I mistakenly thought it included the stipend, I should have read the fine print lol) I think its time to flesh it out now, everyone and their dog is now running around with Borg parts, so reclaimed Borg is moot now, no one and I mean NO ONE plays as a Talaxian (you can't even use the parts for your Boff's), the uniforms are dated and the unique ships are out classed easily by pretty much most T6 store ships.
The whole idea of the lifetime sub needs a long hard look and an overhaul. I believe the Captain's Table gives a good opportunity for a veteran vendor (consoles, weapons, cosmetics). Create a currency for sub holders/veterans to use at this vendor.
Update the uniforms, Some of the recent uniforms added make the veteran uniform pieces look well really bad.
Most importantly the ships need a bit of work (to put them on par with some of the other heavy hitters, basically a meta trait with good seating).
Finally let us play as a Vorta or DISCO/SNW Aenar (or a race that could work across all factions that is not available (or can be created)).
Basically give the player base a reason to buy the sub because at the moment there is no real reason (apart from the ZEN stipend on PC) to lay out a large amount of money for this, and no amount of sales will fix this.
The Lifetime Membership is "on sale" a couple of times per year.
Mine is for the personal-computer version of Star Trek Online.
I seriously suggest reading the "fine print".
Personally, I see zero need to overhaul or even tweak the current lifetime membership.
New content costs money to make. If you don't want it, then don't get it.
If you do want it, then why do you seem reluctant to pay for it?
I'm genuinely curious.
The Lifetime Membership is "on sale" a couple of times per year.
Mine is for the personal-computer version of Star Trek Online.
I seriously suggest reading the "fine print".
Personally, I see zero need to overhaul or even tweak the current lifetime membership.
New content costs money to make. If you don't want it, then don't get it.
If you do want it, then why do you seem reluctant to pay for it?
I'm genuinely curious.
I was just trying to say the game is what.. nearly 15 years old now, the lifetime sub is pretty much the same age, I believe the last time they updated it was the introduction of the T6 variants of the exclusive ships (I might be wrong though).
I'm not saying in any way it's bad, just in todays gaming world its a little dated, that's all. If it was a bad deal I wouldn't have purchased it day one on the Xbox.
Other people might feel 'if it's not broke don't fix it' way, but me I'd like to see the game continually evolve, bring in new players (and more $$$), this in turn hopefully will extent the life of the game. If that means updating the lifetime sub to attract more buyers then I'm all for it. I'm just trying to open a discussion into what other players would like to see updated/removed or added to make the sub more viable.
Now I've had the sub since launch on Xbox (I mistakenly thought it included the stipend, I should have read the fine print lol) I think its time to flesh it out now, everyone and their dog is now running around with Borg parts, so reclaimed Borg is moot now, no one and I mean NO ONE plays as a Talaxian (you can't even use the parts for your Boff's), the uniforms are dated and the unique ships are out classed easily by pretty much most T6 store ships.
The whole idea of the lifetime sub needs a long hard look and an overhaul. I believe the Captain's Table gives a good opportunity for a veteran vendor (consoles, weapons, cosmetics). Create a currency for sub holders/veterans to use at this vendor.
Update the uniforms, Some of the recent uniforms added make the veteran uniform pieces look well really bad.
Most importantly the ships need a bit of work (to put them on par with some of the other heavy hitters, basically a meta trait with good seating).
Finally let us play as a Vorta or DISCO/SNW Aenar (or a race that could work across all factions that is not available (or can be created)).
Basically give the player base a reason to buy the sub because at the moment there is no real reason (apart from the ZEN stipend on PC) to lay out a large amount of money for this, and no amount of sales will fix this.
The Lifetime Membership is "on sale" a couple of times per year.
Mine is for the personal-computer version of Star Trek Online.
I seriously suggest reading the "fine print".
Personally, I see zero need to overhaul or even tweak the current lifetime membership.
New content costs money to make. If you don't want it, then don't get it.
If you do want it, then why do you seem reluctant to pay for it?
I'm genuinely curious.
Yes, because improving something that may interest new buys is a bad thing!
No one is saying we need new models, just mostly asking for a quality of life under the hood updates
Things that are already in the game, not new things that have to be created
If you have a problem with that then I would guess you don't have a LTS and don't want it to improve because you refuse to get one
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
they could revamp the Destroyers, give them spec seats, Intel Fed MW klink Command Rom Pilot JH Is there a JH Destroyer for lifetime? give each one a unique console that approaches meta as a set.
release a new multifaction uniform (or a new uniform for each) and some lifetime only Boff/doffs with powers that are unique
We Want Vic Fontaine
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,880Community Moderator
Yes there is a JH Vet Destroyer with a Polaron Lotus.
However I don't see them revamping the Vet Destroyers to have specialist seating outside what they already have, which is a Lt. Cmdr Engie/Command.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
they could revamp the Destroyers, give them spec seats, Intel Fed MW klink Command Rom Pilot JH Is there a JH Destroyer for lifetime? give each one a unique console that approaches meta as a set.
release a new multifaction uniform (or a new uniform for each) and some lifetime only Boff/doffs with powers that are unique
They already have specs seats as rattler mentions and they already have a unique console boosting HullCap and CritD.
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
I'd quite like to see veteran ships for Engineering and Science too. The current one is clearly Tactical focused - it'd be cool to get some with the other specialties too. Not likely I know, because we'd need 8 new ships, but I can dream!
I got mine on PC back in December 2014 so the stipend has paid it back. For new players the current features feels more like a 10,000 zen package than 20,000 (on sale, console) or $300 on PC on sale. I agree the membership needs some tweaks and boosts to justify the current price to new players even on sale for 30%-50% off.
Yeah those little perks are nice, but in the overall scheme of things not worth the hefty price tag.
I would ideally like to see the heavy destroyers get a serious overhaul to bring them into the modern state of the game. I mean when a ship costing 3000 Zen has better stats, seating, console and trait no one uses them. I rarely see them flown. (I tried min/maxing the T6 Manticore as both FAW/TORP but neither could really hit the big numbers, they are just 'meh' ships all around.
The veteran uniform pieces are being outclassed by the REP armours/uniforms so they really need reworking.
The 2 playable classes unique to the Sub are not worth it as I previously stated, with the release of one of the latest episodes any character is now a reclaimed Borg and the Talaxian's really aren't a desirable race to play as. Especially as the race parts are locked to your captain.
Even the exclusive shuttles are 'poor' by the store standards and that's saying something.
Apart from introducing a different exclusive race to play as I previously mentioned, the only way I can see that can 'save' the sub on consoles is the exclusive vendor idea that I mentioned above. It would be a way to change the meta, and drive sales of the sub because players want the exclusive items from the vendor.
If they do introduce a new race, it shouldn't be Vorta because right now the lack of Vorta is the biggest thing dragging the Gamma Recruit and "Jem'Hadar" faction in general down.
From what the devs have said in Ten Forward years ago when the problem was still being actively argued (it is on the gag order list now) it would be a huge amount of work to introduce them, and if it was not considered worth the effort back then to bring Vorta out for the whole playerbase, it would be even worse bringing them out for a small subset of the playerbase. If DECA decides in the future to bring them out it would be better for the longevity of the game, and the overall profitability of it, to do it for the whole playerbase.
What they really need is some kind of desirable "hero" race from the Alpha/Beta region (or maybe from the Delta if Prodigy brings one out) from SNW or one of the other newer shows, though I am not sure what that would be at the moment since I have not had Paramount+ since SNW's second season and so have lost track of current shows (maybe even a 'future' one from the Academy show whatever they plan to call it, or possibly something from the Section 31 movie if they ever finish the thing). That would be much easier to implement, and coming from an ongoing show it would be a bigger draw, especially to new players thinking of lifesubing.
Bought it on PC and ground it for free on Xbox, and I don't regret either choice. They could do with a spruce up but you'll never see the stipend on XBox whilst LTS is available in the Zen store. The only way the stipend will be available is if they have it as a MS/Sony store purchase only. I got $200 worth of stuff for nothing but time on Xbox, so there's a good enough reason to get it on Xbox/PS. You can't grind it for free on PC, hence why it's 2/3rd's the price.
Totally agree about playable Borg; it's no longer a draw now you can get the gear through a mission (albeit of a different colour). Providing Vorta are locked out of the Jem'hadar faction (the 'Dominion' tutorial was made for Jem'hadar only, as has been said often enough), I've no problem with them being put it, but like Talaxians, hardly anyone will play as one.
Do we really need yet another currency!? No. We've too many as it is.
I think the best item to spruce this up is a choice-box of Infinity ship that is account-unlock (a la Mudd's).
Do you really see them doing that? They already gave away an epic Phoenix ship account wide, but an infinity ship, that's asking a lot.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Yes, I can see them doing that as they already have the choice box for the Campaign each year. I also think a T6 Ship Coupon and 3 T5U plus 3 T6X upgrades should also be in there, which brings it in line with the newer ship bundles.
The Epic token isn't available on LTS. It has only been available as part of an Event and a giveaway.
You can get much more impressive and modern pieces from a story episode and the exosuit and weapon from lobi that liberated don't even have
Little lobi and a mission and you can make more impressive borg than lifetimers...and they also aren't limited to just human, klingon, or romulan...depending on faction
I generally agree with your idea however I have seen people playing Talaxian.
I think you can't use the parts for BOffs because you need to buy the Talaxian BOffs through Lobi
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Yeah I was trying to jump on the Neelix hate train. Didn't stick the landing though. I would like to know what other species everyone thinks could replace the liberated Borg though. It would have to fit into all factions (except TOS because reasons I suppose). Personally I think the either the Edosian or Undine.
^^ This! The Captain's Table has nothing there to make it worthwhile to visit.
You can only access it via ESD/Qo'noS, which both have everything you already need, so why bother with the extra loading screen?
Let us Transwarp directly there.
It needs to have access to all other social zone merchants & facilities, so that we don't need to go everywhere else. I don't think it's unrealistic to have that convenience, which I believe is the intention of the Captain's Table.
However, I do think that Fleet Versions of the T5 & T6 ships shouldn't have been necessary - they should have been Fleet-equivalent already!
The 'Gunboat' would make an ideal Lifetime-exclusive shuttlecraft, but I think the Legendary Pilot Attack Ship may have stepped on those toes!
Yep. I still love the Mat'Ha that I got in the Delta pack back in 2014 but aside from the unique scatter volley nose cannon it's outclassed by many newer ships. When I fly it I do so knowing I'm trading nostalgia for power.
Try putting a fully kitted out Manticore, which is classed as a Heavy Destroyer against... say a fully kitted out Terran Adamant, which is classed as a Heavy Raider. Both flown by someone of a similar skillset both with meta builds. I can pretty much guarantee who is going to win that fight.
I chose the Adamant as the foe ship as it is the closest ship to the Manticore but modern. But this would also work with the Legendary Defiant Pilot Warship or the Terran Hydra Intel Destroyer.
My point is, while I do not disagree with you, any ship can be made competitive, but the older ships eventually hit a wall. Whereas the newer ships outclass them on DPS, mainly because of seating, console and weapon layout. This is what I mean when I say they need an update to bring them into the modern game. Because as exclusive ships they are lacking against ships that you can get for 3000 zen from the store.
I gotta disagree with you, older ship's DPS wall is nowhere near as big as you think they are. The game is so poorly geared for PvP it's not even worth considering the thought in your choice for what ship you fly. Just because a ship can't equip 8 Tac consoles and misses out on that extra 100 DPS because it only equips 7, doesn't mean it's worthless either. The Manticore is an extremely viable ship and doesn't need a revamp. Ships are built in particular ways to allow for many different playstyles, not just one shot kills, which the game really needs to get away from. I still fly a T5U-Kar'fi using non-specialist seating and can still vape ships handily, but it's not as thrilling as a good slog.
The Lifetime Membership is "on sale" a couple of times per year.
Mine is for the personal-computer version of Star Trek Online.
I seriously suggest reading the "fine print".
Personally, I see zero need to overhaul or even tweak the current lifetime membership.
New content costs money to make. If you don't want it, then don't get it.
If you do want it, then why do you seem reluctant to pay for it?
I'm genuinely curious.
I was just trying to say the game is what.. nearly 15 years old now, the lifetime sub is pretty much the same age, I believe the last time they updated it was the introduction of the T6 variants of the exclusive ships (I might be wrong though).
I'm not saying in any way it's bad, just in todays gaming world its a little dated, that's all. If it was a bad deal I wouldn't have purchased it day one on the Xbox.
Other people might feel 'if it's not broke don't fix it' way, but me I'd like to see the game continually evolve, bring in new players (and more $$$), this in turn hopefully will extent the life of the game. If that means updating the lifetime sub to attract more buyers then I'm all for it. I'm just trying to open a discussion into what other players would like to see updated/removed or added to make the sub more viable.
Yes, because improving something that may interest new buys is a bad thing!
No one is saying we need new models, just mostly asking for a quality of life under the hood updates
Things that are already in the game, not new things that have to be created
If you have a problem with that then I would guess you don't have a LTS and don't want it to improve because you refuse to get one
release a new multifaction uniform (or a new uniform for each) and some lifetime only Boff/doffs with powers that are unique
However I don't see them revamping the Vet Destroyers to have specialist seating outside what they already have, which is a Lt. Cmdr Engie/Command.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
They already have specs seats as rattler mentions and they already have a unique console boosting HullCap and CritD.