I thought I had one (or more) of each recruit, but a while back I realized that the Jem I had was just a normal one, not one made for the recruit event. So I'm definitely looking forward to the next one. Has anyone heard anything?
The weird part is that when the last recruitment for the year is Temporal it happens in a fairly steady block of early September to early October, but when it is Gamma it happens in a rather floaty sometime in early-to-mid October to early-to-mid November. This year, the swapped Temporal happened later than it did before, which might indicate Gamma is floating to the later end of float range again this year.
Of course, for a lot of people that won't matter either way since much of the playerbase seems to lean towards space Barbie or lite (or full) roleplay or themeplay, and Jem'Hadar have so very little to offer to those playstyles that the population tracking sites don't show much of a spike for it like they do for the other recruitments.
Actually, considerations like that is what used to be called "Roll Playing" style back in the heyday of tabletop gaming, where the player is MinMaxing the numbers, not tweaking visuals (back then it was mainly done by players who could draw well, but eventually programs started becoming available to make a composite picture of a character) which nowadays is the "space Barbie" in STO, or playing the character personality and thinking about the scenario from the character's point of view and reacting as they would (aka roleplaying).
In STO people mostly seem to do a mix of those things, though there is not much that could be done with the horneytoads themselves visually (that is why you see so many running around in vacc suits in the social areas) or roleplay wise (they don't really even have a background, they start out with only three days of life experience and all their skills are programmed in at the factory).
Also, stat wise in space they are not that much better than joined Trill, and the Trill has the advantage of not looking like a Zabrak that has been severely beaten with an ugly-stick, and then had the rest of the tree dropped on them for good measure.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I, for one, am definitely patient on this one since I don't bother doing Gamma Recruitment because there is no choice whatsoever in what kind of character can be used for the event, and I have no interest in doing another nothingburger horneytoad that I will never use afterwards. It is a long dry spell between the Temporal Recruitment this year and the KDF (or whatever they schedule next) Recruitment next year.
Of course, for a lot of people that won't matter either way since much of the playerbase seems to lean towards space Barbie or lite (or full) roleplay or themeplay, and Jem'Hadar have so very little to offer to those playstyles that the population tracking sites don't show much of a spike for it like they do for the other recruitments.
Actually, considerations like that is what used to be called "Roll Playing" style back in the heyday of tabletop gaming, where the player is MinMaxing the numbers, not tweaking visuals (back then it was mainly done by players who could draw well, but eventually programs started becoming available to make a composite picture of a character) which nowadays is the "space Barbie" in STO, or playing the character personality and thinking about the scenario from the character's point of view and reacting as they would (aka roleplaying).
In STO people mostly seem to do a mix of those things, though there is not much that could be done with the horneytoads themselves visually (that is why you see so many running around in vacc suits in the social areas) or roleplay wise (they don't really even have a background, they start out with only three days of life experience and all their skills are programmed in at the factory).
Also, stat wise in space they are not that much better than joined Trill, and the Trill has the advantage of not looking like a Zabrak that has been severely beaten with an ugly-stick, and then had the rest of the tree dropped on them for good measure.
Breen'hadars are very cool
wouldn't it technically be Ken?
Just be patient a couple more days.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
The recruitment events often overlap with other events, but the Fek'Ihri and Hurq content in the Gamma arc do seem appropriate for the season.