Not sure what is causing this issue, I was logged in fine yesterday morning, but as of 1800 (Sydney AU) last night, I keep getting a constant 'Server Timed Out' msg. On the occassions I can get past that, the Choose Yor Character screen can is taking up to a 1 min to update the character list, if i get past that point, it's again taking up to 1 min to load everything onto the screen (mission log, Endeavours, etc.) or I get the lovely red writing across the top of the screen say the server isn't responding.
Ideas? Suggestions?
Disregard... the problem seems to have fixed itself...
As an addition. I finally managed to log in and get the daily TFO done (Borg Disconnected) along with a lot of rubber banding and having the server time out as I was choosing the marks package.