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Wolf 359 does not give endeavor credit

josh#0694 josh Member Posts: 56 Arc User
I got the "complete Borg TFOs" endeavor this morning. I ran the new Wolf 359 TFO twice but did not receive any credit towards that endeavor. I ran ISA and it rewarded just fine. So it's probably just something that got overlooked when adding the new TFO.


  • bigblackafricabigblackafrica Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    Did you get an AFK penalty after Wofl 359?

    There have been 2 more threads created since 17:00 EST. More recent posts report everyone has received an AFK penalty after finishing, myself included.
  • josh#0694 josh Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    @bigblackafrica Nope, No AFK penalty. I was able to claim the usual rewards and immediately queued for ISA and ran that less than a minute later.

    Even though I submitted a bug report the GM can't see past Wolf 359 bug and is making the assumption that it is related to the AFK bug and have shut me down. So this will be a lingering issue as I am positive it was never reported to the Devs.
  • bigblackafricabigblackafrica Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    Okay. Having reread your original post, I think it's more likely that the endeavor hasn't been updated to include Wolf 359. I ran into the same thing a few events ago, doing the Resistance of Starbase One for that endeavor. It may be that only the TFOs that reward Omega Marks are considered "borg TFOs" for the purposes of the endeavor, but that's just me speculating.
  • josh#0694 josh Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    Yeah I wish a Dev would step in and tell us if it's intentional or just a minor oversight. I'm good either way since I kinda get that Mirror Borg might not be considered Borg (even though I don't like it). Just a little communication would be nice.
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,432 Arc User
    Event TFO's don't normally count towards endevords. You will normally have to wait till it becomes parr of te normally TFOlist. Saying that (it may of been fixed by now) Guillotine and Resistance of SB1 stll do not count towards endevors
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,631 Arc User
    edited January 2024
    eazzie wrote: »
    Event TFO's don't normally count towards endevords.
    Seems like nonsense to say this. I've used Event TFO's plenty of times to trigger Endeavor activities.

    For the OP's issue, it's most likely just the case of it being new that it's been overlooked to being counted as a Borg TFO. I'm sure it'll get a fix sometime soon...
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • phoenixc#0738 phoenixc Member Posts: 6,004 Arc User
    Event TFOs do count for some endeavors, it seems to be mainly the ones that require one to do a particular "type" (in this case "Borg") of TFO where they don't count. They usually work fine for the "do so much X damage", shield or hull healing, "kill some number of X" type, etc. endeavors. Event TFOs seem to have a kind of generic classification until they are reworked into normal TFOs or patrols.
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