I've notice that lately that sometimes when you defeat an enemy, they vanish the instant you defeat them. In the past unless you vaporized an exposed foe, their body stayed on the ground for a bit before despawning.
This first caught my attention on Defera in the battle zone fighting borg. Then again today when I was playing the Undying mission on Nimbus, when in the Stronghold the foes you fight in the arena and later many of the Orion thugs would go poof the second you defeated them regardless of how you downed them.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kN5zFZ3vETM at the end you can see the drops disappear when i approach them
@baddmoonrizin @rattler2 if one of you could point the tube to a dev so they can see what items are doing on defera
Just noticed this issue on Defera Invasion Zone, myself. It doesn't occur everywhere on the map, only in specific areas. In the little exploring I've done in the "City" region, it seems to occur in the "Medium" area where most medium-difficulty missions take place. As soon as you walk across an invisible threshold, loot beyond it vanishes. And enemies defeated beyond the threshold evaporate.
Yet, it seems the loot is still there, but as if it's in a different "phase". It's visible if you don't walk past the threshold, but still unlootable.
If this is occurring across the game in other maps, as suggested, it can not only make it awkward-looking and pull a player out of immersion, but also cause problems for players doing missions that require specific loot drops. It's quite strange.