y is it that they make the new ships but put them in the look boxes but not in the Zen store i have spent over 50,000 Zen trying to get one and have not got one yet
Each box has a very low chance of dropping a ship. The chance is per box, every box you open has the same chance of dropping the ship as the previous box. There's no 'open this many boxes and you'll get the ship'.
Not all new ships are lockbox. We do have a new Summer Event ship.
As to why, well you answered your own question. People are spending money on keys to try to get them. They're supposed to be a rarity so there won't be a lot of them flying around like will be if they were C-Store.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
well im not doing it any more if i cant get the ship then what's the point il never get one any way and its unfair for one that only a certain few can get one just my opinion they need to do better or players will quite the game that's all
You can get the gamble box ships for free by doing the event campaign they have every year. Doing four or five events a year to finish the campaigns is not a hardship, though the rate of one ship per year that way can be frustratingly slow if you have a lot of characters whose theme is set for a particular premium ship.
or instead of using the keys, sell them on the exchange for EC and buy the shiny from there. there has not been a OMFG I NEED THAT ship since the 10th anniversary and the end game Connies. I did buy the last morrigu akira bundle, because my Rommie was kicking me in the shins for ignoring her and her sister.. and the akria torpedo which is amazing.
well im not doing it any more if i cant get the ship then what's the point il never get one any way and its unfair for one that only a certain few can get one just my opinion they need to do better or players will quite the game that's all
Yeah....nah. People have been saying this for a decade....the game is still here! I've spent probably about the same, and I've won numerous ships from lockboxes.
There's always the promotion pack you can earn from the Campaign, or you could just bite the bullet and buy a Store ship that is similar.
As for the suggestion to buy keys and sell them on the exchange....if everyone did that, no ships would ever be on the exchange, and it's a stupid way of wasting your money just to get one ship, whilst the person who you buy the ship off gets a couple of hundred keys with your money and goes on to open boxes and win more ships. Players who do this just to get a ship are far better off opening boxes and selling the stuff from it....at least you get the greater benefit (lobi for instance) rather than giving someone 1.5 billion EC you got from selling keys!
"You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
I just find it silly that i seen regular lock box ships on exchange are asking for 1 and a half billion.....
I find it more irritating. When you can buy a Vengeance for a LOT cheeper than most lockbox ships these days... I still remember when Lockbox ships were generally around 300 mil. Now we got people keeping the prices more at 700 mil -1.5 billion. WTF?! What are you going to do with EC Cap?
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I just find it silly that i seen regular lock box ships on exchange are asking for 1 and a half billion.....
I find it more irritating. When you can buy a Vengeance for a LOT cheeper than most lockbox ships these days... I still remember when Lockbox ships were generally around 300 mil. Now we got people keeping the prices more at 700 mil -1.5 billion. WTF?! What are you going to do with EC Cap?
That just shows that lobi ships haven't kept up and are way too cheap for what they cost to acquire. Which was always the case, btw. The 150 to 200 keys required to get the necessary lobi for a single ship have always been much more expensive in total compared to the prices of the ships. Even when keys were at 5 or 6 million EC or so per key.
I just find it silly that i seen regular lock box ships on exchange are asking for 1 and a half billion.....
I find it more irritating. When you can buy a Vengeance for a LOT cheeper than most lockbox ships these days... I still remember when Lockbox ships were generally around 300 mil. Now we got people keeping the prices more at 700 mil -1.5 billion. WTF?! What are you going to do with EC Cap?
If you mean Cryptic, they seem to be intending to ignore the cap and just let people store excess EC in the mail system.
Player wise, anything going for 1.5B is likely artificially capped by the EC Exchange limit, and what it 'costs' to shake one loose has inflated where there's basically no profit with the current Exchange cap. More and more will go to the private trading channels since the box openers don't want to sell at a loss.
I just find it silly that i seen regular lock box ships on exchange are asking for 1 and a half billion.....
I find it more irritating. When you can buy a Vengeance for a LOT cheeper than most lockbox ships these days... I still remember when Lockbox ships were generally around 300 mil. Now we got people keeping the prices more at 700 mil -1.5 billion. WTF?! What are you going to do with EC Cap?
That just shows that lobi ships haven't kept up and are way too cheap for what they cost to acquire. Which was always the case, btw. The 150 to 200 keys required to get the necessary lobi for a single ship have always been much more expensive in total compared to the prices of the ships. Even when keys were at 5 or 6 million EC or so per key.
If Lobi had permanent additions of new ships they'd go for more, but Cryptic has put that effort to other ship sales tactics instead. Best people opening boxes can hope for is the occasional Promo ship tossed in there during a brief sale. Or at least a new Bound to Char Lobi set every several months.
I just find it silly that i seen regular lock box ships on exchange are asking for 1 and a half billion.....
I find it more irritating. When you can buy a Vengeance for a LOT cheeper than most lockbox ships these days... I still remember when Lockbox ships were generally around 300 mil. Now we got people keeping the prices more at 700 mil -1.5 billion. WTF?! What are you going to do with EC Cap?
That just shows that lobi ships haven't kept up and are way too cheap for what they cost to acquire. Which was always the case, btw. The 150 to 200 keys required to get the necessary lobi for a single ship have always been much more expensive in total compared to the prices of the ships. Even when keys were at 5 or 6 million EC or so per key.
yep my head math says to get the 180 keys to open 180 lokboxes (assuming an average of 5 lobi per, you are close to 1.8b ec to "break even" if you bought the keys at 11m per
y is it that they make the new ships but put them in the look boxes but not in the Zen store i have spent over 50,000 Zen trying to get one and have not got one yet
Because they get a lot of money from idiots like me who can't control their gambling addiction, and I don't usually gamble but when it comes to lockboxes, I can't control myself. It's really bad, the amount of money I've spent on this game could have paid for a really expensive model Ferrari, with batteries that last for 35 mins instead of just 5.
That just shows that lobi ships haven't kept up and are way too cheap for what they cost to acquire. Which was always the case, btw. The 150 to 200 keys required to get the necessary lobi for a single ship have always been much more expensive in total compared to the prices of the ships. Even when keys were at 5 or 6 million EC or so per key.
If Lobi had permanent additions of new ships they'd go for more, but Cryptic has put that effort to other ship sales tactics instead. Best people opening boxes can hope for is the occasional Promo ship tossed in there during a brief sale. Or at least a new Bound to Char Lobi set every several months.
It's also a question of supply demand and what players are pushing for at the top end of the exchange. Broadly, as STO has run over the years the pool of EC at the top has inflated more and more. Lower down things aren't as bad (see. key, universal console, doff/boff prices) but where people fixate (ie. loot box ships) y'all have broadly priced yourself at the cap trying to maximize EC returned. A billion isn't good enough, 1.5 billion isn't good enough, nevermind how nothing else in the game is flirting with those prices and demanding nth level optimization of EC returns. It's a tautological impulse of greed for greed's sake, using hoarded EC to flip ships for max profit. It's made loot box ships so inaccessible to the general population that Cryptic instituted the event campaign system to provide an equivalent path to EC grinding back in the day (long, dedicated play = reward which normal economic systems can no longer provide) where no other item category has received such dramatic inflation. They *needed* a viable alternate path to prevent players grinding themselves to total burnout trying to keep up here.
Lobi ships are excluded because with higher persistent market availability they can't be price controlled to the same inflationary degree. RNG provides such a hard barrier to supply and motivating whacking-stick for participation that you can gouge to the maximum and beyond.
This isn't natural behavior, it's those with the most economic power exerting it to maximum benefit and going beyond game limitations through trade channels. It's an arms race that hurt everyone, EC barons included as the target of all this wealth (more loot box ships) is a static relative price point. You don't have more buying power where it counts now with >1.5bil trade channels vs. 300-400 mil ships, as anything that isn't a loot ship broadly doesn't have the same build value or appeal. The only major effect is just to wide a demographic wealth gap among the STO population as EC barons effectively fight amongst themselves for price control (pushing up prices to the cap because if they don't do it someone else will price them out of the market).
Welcome to: why we can't have nice things, volume 582, mirroring the worst excesses of real life economics in the name of mmo "best practice." How to fix: knock the exchange games off as a broad cultural shift, or implement new controls on ship buying to prevent inflationary flipping which made sure we hit the exchange cap. Ex. loot box ships bought from the exchange can't be sold again on the exchange. Players could still try to go trade channel but it's a pretty major hurdle to the core behavior that's maintained max prices.
Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I just find it silly that i seen regular lock box ships on exchange are asking for 1 and a half billion.....
Well I bought two D4x's recently for two different characters, and they were listed for 1.1b each, so not all rare ships are going for EC cap. But I guess the D4x isn't in as much demand as others?
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
I'd expect Promo ships to be more expensive, but when even normal lockbox ships are in the same range as a promo ship despite being more common by comparison...
Also 1.1 bil is still pretty far out of reach for most players in any reasonable amount of time.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I'd expect Promo ships to be more expensive, but when even normal lockbox ships are in the same range as a promo ship despite being more common by comparison...
They could at least polish up some of the more requested NPC ships that are already in the game (like the Orion Intruder, the Gorn TOS-R ship, and a few others) and offer playable versions in the c-store. Even one or two a year would be better than nothing.
For that matter, even making T6 versions of more of the STO-original T5 favorites, like the Emissary-class Star Cruiser, for the c-store would be great.
They could at least polish up some of the more requested NPC ships that are already in the game (like the Orion Intruder, the Gorn TOS-R ship, and a few others) and offer playable versions in the c-store. Even one or two a year would be better than nothing.
For that matter, even making T6 versions of more of the STO-original T5 favorites, like the Emissary-class Star Cruiser, for the c-store would be great.
I've always wanted to see a playable version of the Octanti ships. They're pretty sleek.
y is it that they make the new ships but put them in the look boxes but not in the Zen store i have spent over 50,000 Zen trying to get one and have not got one yet
That answer your question?
Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
They could at least polish up some of the more requested NPC ships that are already in the game (like the Orion Intruder, the Gorn TOS-R ship, and a few others) and offer playable versions in the c-store. Even one or two a year would be better than nothing.
It still takes system design time to setup those ships and probably a wee bit more ship artist time to rig up customization options (ex. hull patterns, any additional hull materials). But it's less time than with other ships which does help the economy side. I know Cryptic is very insistent on high visual bars these days and is likely to use that against some of these NPC ships (the amount of polish they'd *like* to give the ships is more they can afford) when the game is lacking content in wide, categorical, areas the thing to do is scale back polish and do something/anything to service those abandoned niches. Ie. do a minimal job getting these ships into service and wing it for the sake of giving the KDF some support however minor. Even if the ship takes on a minor variant role from an existing FED ship (ex. giving a spec swap on a ship layout and spec-focused trait's buff) to further economize on system designer time, it's worth it just to provide a non-zero experience to a group that's otherwise unable to support the game in any way these days.
Catering to the same group (ie. FED ship lovers with a consuming fixation on canon ships) ad infinitum, even if the most lucrative, winnows down Cryptic's potential market in a living allegory for resource overharvesting/exploitation that the IP's preached against with the likes of Voyage Home. IDIC isn't just for t-shirts, it's a major facet in sustainability and being able to adapt to change long-term. And in this case, being able to dive into something else (ie. the KDF) is a major tool some players use to stay engaged with STO as interest in main marketed content (ie. the FED) wanes. Raw engagement numbers doesn't give you a full picture on dynamics within the game's ecosystem.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I'd like to see them try releasing the same ship in 2 ways, like the car dealers do the base vs the loaded models 1, the promo/lockbox method, and 2, a "base" model, one less console slot, no console, no spec seating. It would be interesting to see where the money flows.
I just find it silly that i seen regular lock box ships on exchange are asking for 1 and a half billion.....
Well I bought two D4x's recently for two different characters, and they were listed for 1.1b each, so not all rare ships are going for EC cap. But I guess the D4x isn't in as much demand as others?
so wanted ships: crazy expensive.
unwanted ships: crazy expensive.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,913Community Moderator
I'd like to see them try releasing the same ship in 2 ways, like the car dealers do the base vs the loaded models 1, the promo/lockbox method, and 2, a "base" model, one less console slot, no console, no spec seating. It would be interesting to see where the money flows.
TECHNICALLY... they tried that already. Archon and Vizir classes. One was C-Store, the other was via Attack Wing Promo.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I'd like to see them try releasing the same ship in 2 ways, like the car dealers do the base vs the loaded models 1, the promo/lockbox method, and 2, a "base" model, one less console slot, no console, no spec seating. It would be interesting to see where the money flows.
TECHNICALLY... they tried that already. Archon and Vizir classes. One was C-Store, the other was via Attack Wing Promo.
Also, there is the Obelisk carrier with versions in the ship vendor and a superior version in the Lobi store.
Not all new ships are lockbox. We do have a new Summer Event ship.
As to why, well you answered your own question. People are spending money on keys to try to get them. They're supposed to be a rarity so there won't be a lot of them flying around like will be if they were C-Store.
Yeah....nah. People have been saying this for a decade....the game is still here! I've spent probably about the same, and I've won numerous ships from lockboxes.
There's always the promotion pack you can earn from the Campaign, or you could just bite the bullet and buy a Store ship that is similar.
As for the suggestion to buy keys and sell them on the exchange....if everyone did that, no ships would ever be on the exchange, and it's a stupid way of wasting your money just to get one ship, whilst the person who you buy the ship off gets a couple of hundred keys with your money and goes on to open boxes and win more ships. Players who do this just to get a ship are far better off opening boxes and selling the stuff from it....at least you get the greater benefit (lobi for instance) rather than giving someone 1.5 billion EC you got from selling keys!
I find it more irritating. When you can buy a Vengeance for a LOT cheeper than most lockbox ships these days... I still remember when Lockbox ships were generally around 300 mil. Now we got people keeping the prices more at 700 mil -1.5 billion. WTF?! What are you going to do with EC Cap?
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
That just shows that lobi ships haven't kept up and are way too cheap for what they cost to acquire. Which was always the case, btw. The 150 to 200 keys required to get the necessary lobi for a single ship have always been much more expensive in total compared to the prices of the ships. Even when keys were at 5 or 6 million EC or so per key.
If you mean Cryptic, they seem to be intending to ignore the cap and just let people store excess EC in the mail system.
Player wise, anything going for 1.5B is likely artificially capped by the EC Exchange limit, and what it 'costs' to shake one loose has inflated where there's basically no profit with the current Exchange cap. More and more will go to the private trading channels since the box openers don't want to sell at a loss.
If Lobi had permanent additions of new ships they'd go for more, but Cryptic has put that effort to other ship sales tactics instead. Best people opening boxes can hope for is the occasional Promo ship tossed in there during a brief sale. Or at least a new Bound to Char Lobi set every several months.
yep my head math says to get the 180 keys to open 180 lokboxes (assuming an average of 5 lobi per, you are close to 1.8b ec to "break even" if you bought the keys at 11m per
Because they get a lot of money from idiots like me who can't control their gambling addiction, and I don't usually gamble but when it comes to lockboxes, I can't control myself. It's really bad, the amount of money I've spent on this game could have paid for a really expensive model Ferrari, with batteries that last for 35 mins instead of just 5.
It's also a question of supply demand and what players are pushing for at the top end of the exchange. Broadly, as STO has run over the years the pool of EC at the top has inflated more and more. Lower down things aren't as bad (see. key, universal console, doff/boff prices) but where people fixate (ie. loot box ships) y'all have broadly priced yourself at the cap trying to maximize EC returned. A billion isn't good enough, 1.5 billion isn't good enough, nevermind how nothing else in the game is flirting with those prices and demanding nth level optimization of EC returns. It's a tautological impulse of greed for greed's sake, using hoarded EC to flip ships for max profit. It's made loot box ships so inaccessible to the general population that Cryptic instituted the event campaign system to provide an equivalent path to EC grinding back in the day (long, dedicated play = reward which normal economic systems can no longer provide) where no other item category has received such dramatic inflation. They *needed* a viable alternate path to prevent players grinding themselves to total burnout trying to keep up here.
Lobi ships are excluded because with higher persistent market availability they can't be price controlled to the same inflationary degree. RNG provides such a hard barrier to supply and motivating whacking-stick for participation that you can gouge to the maximum and beyond.
This isn't natural behavior, it's those with the most economic power exerting it to maximum benefit and going beyond game limitations through trade channels. It's an arms race that hurt everyone, EC barons included as the target of all this wealth (more loot box ships) is a static relative price point. You don't have more buying power where it counts now with >1.5bil trade channels vs. 300-400 mil ships, as anything that isn't a loot ship broadly doesn't have the same build value or appeal. The only major effect is just to wide a demographic wealth gap among the STO population as EC barons effectively fight amongst themselves for price control (pushing up prices to the cap because if they don't do it someone else will price them out of the market).
Welcome to: why we can't have nice things, volume 582, mirroring the worst excesses of real life economics in the name of mmo "best practice." How to fix: knock the exchange games off as a broad cultural shift, or implement new controls on ship buying to prevent inflationary flipping which made sure we hit the exchange cap. Ex. loot box ships bought from the exchange can't be sold again on the exchange. Players could still try to go trade channel but it's a pretty major hurdle to the core behavior that's maintained max prices.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Well I bought two D4x's recently for two different characters, and they were listed for 1.1b each, so not all rare ships are going for EC cap. But I guess the D4x isn't in as much demand as others?
Also 1.1 bil is still pretty far out of reach for most players in any reasonable amount of time.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Profits, money, greed, etc.
Please, finish that thought.
Join Date: Sep 2008
For that matter, even making T6 versions of more of the STO-original T5 favorites, like the Emissary-class Star Cruiser, for the c-store would be great.
I've always wanted to see a playable version of the Octanti ships. They're pretty sleek.
That answer your question?
It still takes system design time to setup those ships and probably a wee bit more ship artist time to rig up customization options (ex. hull patterns, any additional hull materials). But it's less time than with other ships which does help the economy side. I know Cryptic is very insistent on high visual bars these days and is likely to use that against some of these NPC ships (the amount of polish they'd *like* to give the ships is more they can afford) when the game is lacking content in wide, categorical, areas the thing to do is scale back polish and do something/anything to service those abandoned niches. Ie. do a minimal job getting these ships into service and wing it for the sake of giving the KDF some support however minor. Even if the ship takes on a minor variant role from an existing FED ship (ex. giving a spec swap on a ship layout and spec-focused trait's buff) to further economize on system designer time, it's worth it just to provide a non-zero experience to a group that's otherwise unable to support the game in any way these days.
Catering to the same group (ie. FED ship lovers with a consuming fixation on canon ships) ad infinitum, even if the most lucrative, winnows down Cryptic's potential market in a living allegory for resource overharvesting/exploitation that the IP's preached against with the likes of Voyage Home. IDIC isn't just for t-shirts, it's a major facet in sustainability and being able to adapt to change long-term. And in this case, being able to dive into something else (ie. the KDF) is a major tool some players use to stay engaged with STO as interest in main marketed content (ie. the FED) wanes. Raw engagement numbers doesn't give you a full picture on dynamics within the game's ecosystem.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
so wanted ships: crazy expensive.
unwanted ships: crazy expensive.
TECHNICALLY... they tried that already. Archon and Vizir classes. One was C-Store, the other was via Attack Wing Promo.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Also, there is the Obelisk carrier with versions in the ship vendor and a superior version in the Lobi store.