Since I have been playing this game for almost a decade now, I thought to finally do the "tutorial" run through the first city again, just for giggles and remembering those first days as a Klingon. Anyways, when I need to go to J'mpok, he isn't there anymore since I have completed the last Klingon Civil War mission. However, the tutorial missions are not droppable. So now I have those two green missions (tutorial envelope mission and tutorial Staas mission) stuck in my mission log. The quest marker obviously points to where J'mpok used to stand (and when beaming out he will even appear in the background to mock me

What I tried to fix it: change order of missions, talk to J'mpok through some mission interface of unfulfilled missions given by him - but there is no prompt for the tutorial mission. Talk to L'Rell - but she doesn't have this either.
That's a terribly old character and it still has the old tutorial missions.
Alas, you're outta luck as the tutorial has been changed and those missions are not completable any more.
Well, it's one of my newest, after all I should have enough (never mind I am planning the next batch). However, any chance to get them out of the "active mission" slots (like dropping the mission) would be appreciated so that one day I might be able to empty it.
Anyway, thanks for your effort.
long time lurker here. Since I had exactly the same problem a while back, I thought it might help you to try the following suggestion from the ingame-support: It solved my problem with J'mpok.
Good Luck!
Thanks for stopping to lurk to tell me this, it indeed worked for me as well. And my appreciation for the treachery of House Torg rose, they are good for something at last