Hey gang! The systems team is putting something mysteeeerious through its paces (seriously, I don't even know what it is) and they're looking for some player built, high end builds to throw at it. If you think your build is up to snuff, post your:
I have debated whether or not to do this; As I am posting clearly I have come to the conclusion that you may share in the joy that are my toys. I have put together the following "short list" of some of my best ships. If you're doing some type of "cloning" in terms of the UI setups, note that I don't run any macro setups for any of my ships (in case you're used to hitting the spacebar a lot). If it's being copied from the character they should all be sitting on their respective starships from the hop. Despite instructions I will give extremely brief description of each build (I have numerous high end builds) to help determine which setups you might want to use for testing purposes.
All these setups should be up to snuff good to go for virtually any Elite content. Obviously certain builds are tailored towards certain missions vs. others but you guys can have the fun of figuring all that out.
Enjoy. I mean it seriously. I think you'll have some fun with these puppies in whatever you're testing.
2) @Jeslyn
3) I.S.S. Hrist
(( Loadout: SciTorp ))
3) U.S.S. Haruna
(Gagarin class with antiproton weapon)
1 Liama
2 @imarookie
3 Valmeseda
*gleeful smile*
Build 1: Legendary Galaxy Dreadnought - High Yield Torpedo Payload/Fleet Carrier (Engineer)
Character Name: CrAzEd DoMiNaToR
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: U.S.S. Castle Bravo
Build 2: Legendary Vesta - Jack of all trades DPS (Science)
Character Name: CrAzEd VoTaRiEnT
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: U.S.S. Eureka
Build 3: Inquiry Battlecruiser - FaW/Unconventional Buff High DPS/Tank (Engineer)
Character Name: CrAzEd VaNgUaRd
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: I.S.S. Phalanx
Build 4: Verne Science Vessel - Low DPS Hyper Tank/Super Healer (Engineer)
Character Name: CrAzEd TeMpLaR
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: U.S.S. Covenant
Build 5: Annorax Science Dreadnought - AoE Exotic/Console/Torpedo DPS (Tactical)
Character Name: CrAzEd SoRcErEsS
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: Babylon Prime
Build 6: Temporal Constitution Cruiser - FaW/CFP Torpedo+Recursive Shearing (Tactical)
Character Name: CrAzEd HeRo
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: U.S.S. Carsomyr
Build 7: Terran Monitor Carrier - One Man Armada/Unconventional Systems (Science)
Character Name: CrAzEd CoLuMn
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: U.S.S. Brigade
Build 8 : Amarie Smuggler Escort - Single Target Rapid Fire/Torpedo Takedown (Tactical)
Character Name: CrAzEd NiHiLiSt
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: Black October
Build 9: Legendary Intrepid - FaW/Console/Exotic DPS (Tactical)
Character Name: CrAzEd ReNeGaDe
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: U.S.S. Typhoon
Build 10: Legendary NX Escort - Torpedo/Console/Exotic DPS (Science)
Character Name: CrAzEd ChRoNoNaUt
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: William Cage
Build 11: Verne Science Vessel - Exotic/Console/Torpedo DPS (Science)
Character Name: CrAzEd PrImUs
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: U.S.S. Ground Zero
Build 12: Legendary Constitution Carrier - Tank/Healer/MidTier DPS Support (Engineer)
Character Name: CrAzEd EtErNaL
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: U.S.S. Archangel
Build 13: World Razer Temporal Juggernaut - FaW/Torpedo DPS (Tactical)
Character Name: CrAzEd GoLiAtH
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: U.S.S. Veridian Pride
Build 14: Crossfield Science Spearhead - Mass Drain/Heavy Target Lockdown (Science)
Character Name: CrAzEd SiByL
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: U.S.S. Nerazim
Build 15: Cardassian Intel Science Dreadnought - Precision FaW/Unconventional Buff (Engineer)
Character Name: CrAzEd FiReBrAnD
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: C.U.V. Astrodeus
Build 16: Kumari Pilot Escort - Single Target Cannon Speeder (Tactical)
Character Name: CrAzEd PhOeNiX
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: I.G.S. Ashes to Ashes
Build 17: Legendary Intrepid - Subspatial Warheads/Exotic/Console (Engineer)
Character Name: CrAzEd MoNgReL
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: U.S.S. Quasimodo
Build 18: Fleet Titan Science Destroyer - HY Plasma Torpedo Cannon (Engineer)
Character Name: CrAzEd SeRaPh
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: U.S.S. Heaven's Devil
Build 19: Ba'ul Sentry Vessel - CFP Torpedo/Exotic DPS (Tactical)
Character Name: CrAzEd OmEgA
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: Vigilis Exceptus
Build 20: Inquiry Battlecruiser - "Apex Ba'ul" FaW/Beam Overload + Torpedoes DPS (Tactical)
Character Name: CrAzEd MiKe
Handle: @trekcrazedmike
Ship Name: U.S.S. Predator's Legacy
All these setups should be up to snuff good to go for virtually any Elite content. Obviously certain builds are tailored towards certain missions vs. others but you guys can have the fun of figuring all that out.
Enjoy. I mean it seriously. I think you'll have some fun with these puppies in whatever you're testing.
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) U.S.S. Veridian Pride
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) U.S.S. Castle Bravo
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) U.S.S. Eureka
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) Vigilis Exceptus
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) I.S.S. Phalanx
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) U.S.S. Brigade
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) Black October
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) U.S.S. Covenant
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) U.S.S. Archangel
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) William Cage
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) U.S.S. Typhoon
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) I.G.S. Ashes to Ashes
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) U.S.S. Carsomyr
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) U.S.S. Heaven's Devil
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) C.U.V. Astrodeus
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) U.S.S. Quasimodo
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) Babylon Prime
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) U.S.S. Ground Zero
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) U.S.S. Nerazim
2) @trekcrazedmike
3) U.S.S. Predator's Legacy