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Torpedo spread + emergency power to weapons = own torpedoes hitting me.

rhomaiosrhomaios Member Posts: 21 Arc User
edited March 2023 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
When I use both torpedoes: spread II and emergency power to weapons II the game seems to treat me as a target and I get hit with a cluster of my own torpedoes.

Edit: I've tried this with both forward and rear torpedo launchers, changed them around in the slots, and used both the dark matter torps as well as the quantum torps. Same effect all the time.

Attached image I'm using both and just shooting at one of the asteroids in Khonsou Khaibit.
Post edited by rhomaios on


  • chrian#9670 chrian Member Posts: 622 Cryptic Developer
    I am unable to replicate this issue internally just using Spread II and EPW II. I suspect you have other powers/abilities that are causing the damage. Please remove each of them one by one until you find it thanks! Then I will be able to properly get a bug report in.
  • rhomaiosrhomaios Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2023
    I am unable to replicate this issue internally just using Spread II and EPW II. I suspect you have other powers/abilities that are causing the damage. Please remove each of them one by one until you find it thanks! Then I will be able to properly get a bug report in.


    I need to update my ticket, should I start a new thread? The problem isn't just Spread II and EPW II - it can happen with spread II/III alone, sometimes causing damage, sometimes not, but mixing with EPW (I, II, or III) always causes 'reflected' damage when firing on a new target for the first time. In the event maybe something had been corrupted in the files or it was some kind of glitch I've reinstalled the game twice now and did a manual search for any STO files that might have been left over, but the problem still persists.
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,318 Arc User
    rhomaios wrote: »
    ...the problem still persists.
    Can you share what Traits you have slotted? It may be one of them is causing the issue.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • rhomaiosrhomaios Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    rhomaios wrote: »
    ...the problem still persists.
    Can you share what Traits you have slotted? It may be one of them is causing the issue.

    Sure! I'm using a different ship right now to the one pictured, but I still have the same core BOFFs with slightly different powers:

    1) Cmdr Tactical:

    FAW I
    Torpedo Spread II
    Omega I
    Rapid Fire III

    Lt. Cmdr Engingeering:

    EPtS I
    RSP I
    EPtW III

    Lt. Tactical:

    Kemocite I
    Scatter Volley I

    Lt. Cmdr Science:

    TB I
    PO I
    GW I

    (missing an ensign boff from different seating)

    I'm just running through the Byr'Jai at the moment, but I get the same torpedo effect/misfire regardless of whether I'm using the Hydra in OP, the Byr'Jai right now, a D'Kyr or Science Compiler. Still also happens if I only use TS alone, with no other powers.

  • rhomaiosrhomaios Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2023
    I am unable to replicate this issue internally just using Spread II and EPW II. I suspect you have other powers/abilities that are causing the damage. Please remove each of them one by one until you find it thanks! Then I will be able to properly get a bug report in.


    I think I have identified the source of the problem: re-engineering Tilly's Review-Pending Modified Shield. I upgraded it to gold/XV and then changed one of the modifiers from Cap/Reg to ResAll.

    I switched out that shield for the Lukari set shield and some other shields and the problem went away. Reequipping the Tilly shield, the problem returned. I have tried reengineering it back to its original Cap/Reg modifier and the problem did not go away.

    Out of curiosity I swapped out the gold/XV Discovery Warp Core I was using (while still using the Tilly shield) and the problem also went away. So it appears I can use either my Discovery Shield or Warp Core without the bouncing torpedo damage problem, but using both together is what creates the problem.

    I'm fairly certain, with dates and the problem popping up, it only happened when I rolled one of the shield modifiers to ResAll.

    I do not have the resources to test if this affects upgrading other shields or Warp Cores to XV and changing their modifiers.

    Post edited by rhomaios on
  • chrian#9670 chrian Member Posts: 622 Cryptic Developer
    I am still unable to reproduce your issue, you must have something else going on. Strip your ship / traits/ and all equipment. Slot the two boffs for the powers Spread II and EPW II, and then equip only 1 torpedo and the shield. At this time Using only 1 torpedo, granting myself the powers, and the resall shield I'm not taking self damage.
  • rhomaiosrhomaios Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    I am still unable to reproduce your issue, you must have something else going on. Strip your ship / traits/ and all equipment. Slot the two boffs for the powers Spread II and EPW II, and then equip only 1 torpedo and the shield. At this time Using only 1 torpedo, granting myself the powers, and the resall shield I'm not taking self damage.

    Aha! The problem is the Mycelial Wave-Impulse Engines MkXII [Full][Spd][Turn]!

    I stripped all equipment and Boffs, to just the TS II BOFF, adding them back one at a time. When I swap the Mycelial engines for any other (or leave the slot blank) the problem disappears. The Discovery shield & Warp core combo work just fine and there is no self-damage, but when the Discovery engines are added to the mix that's when the problem happens. I have mixed both the Discovery engine ith other warp cores and shields = no problem; Discovery warp core & shields with a different impulse engine = no problem. Discovery warp core, shields, engine = problem!
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,318 Arc User
    Can you share what Traits you have slotted? It may be one of them is causing the issue.
    rhomaios wrote: »
    Sure! I'm using a different ship right now to the one pictured, but I still have the same core BOFFs with slightly different powers:

    1) Cmdr Tactical...
    Uh..., er..., thanks for sharing your Bridge Officer skills. But is there any chance you could share what Traits you are using?
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • rhomaiosrhomaios Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2023
    Uh..., er..., thanks for sharing your Bridge Officer skills. But is there any chance you could share what Traits you are using?

    Whoops, sorry, I was on the way to bed and not with it haha.

    Personal space traits are:

    Beam barrage
    Bulkhead technician
    Cannon training
    Point blank shot
    Kinetic precision
    Last ditch effort
    Projectile training
    Superior beam training

    Starship traits:

    Digital compilation
    Emergency response teams
    All hands on deck
    Numerical superiority
    Unconventional tactics
    Strike group command authority
    Post edited by rhomaios on
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,318 Arc User
    When firing Heavy Torpedo's toward a target that becomes destroyed while they are en route, these torpedo's often redirect themselves to the nearest available target.
    Which is quite nice & useful.
    rhomaios wrote: »
    Starship trait: Digital Compilation
    I cannot help but wonder if the above trait is doing something similar whereby you become the target.

    Try unequipping the trait to see if it still happens...?
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • rhomaiosrhomaios Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    When firing Heavy Torpedo's toward a target that becomes destroyed while they are en route, these torpedo's often redirect themselves to the nearest available target.
    Which is quite nice & useful.
    rhomaios wrote: »
    Starship trait: Digital Compilation
    I cannot help but wonder if the above trait is doing something similar whereby you become the target.

    Try unequipping the trait to see if it still happens...?

    I only equipped that trait after making my OP, when I got the compiler up to lvl 5. The problem started before that and still happens, even with zero traits slotted.
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