I completed the old ones event and am supposed to get daily bonus now (8k today), but after completing daily bonus progress today, no dilithium was rewarded.
For the bonus today, I did the Witches Brew patrol twice. After the 2nd completion, my daily bonus progress bar shows complete (2 of 2), and there is check mark next to bonus earned, but I did not receive 8k dilithium. None is shown in chat history.
Of the patrolls, the witches brew one does seem flakey at times on the reward...sometimes I need to go though hailing the old one twice to get the normal reward (rep marks). On this final run today, I did not get rep marks or dilithium...he just transported me away with no reward.
I'll do skellies tomorrow for 2nd run in case that was the issue, though skellies can be annoying because sometimes they refuse to move for 1-2 minutes and you cannot kill them until they move into light.
I have the same issues when do 2 skellies back to back...Instead of waiting 10 minutes, just start 2nd mission immediately and if dont get start dialog then beam out and restart it and it usually works again on restart (never had to restart 2nd skellie run more than twice to get it to work).
Also, concerning the mission reset bug, it affects both the skelleton and brew missions....just beam out and immediately restart when it happens.