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Extreme lag

Lag is present on both consoles. Constant rubberbanding. Abilities and selections are downright failing. This has gone on since last update. I think the general assumption was that it would be fixed with the maintenance today. It was not.


  • pascalou#3573 pascalou Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    This problem is present on PC platform too.

    > Lag : More like some ping issue only in game, can't connect etc ...
    Same issues since yesterday.

    Some hamster play in the server rooms probably ...
  • leemwatsonleemwatson Member Posts: 5,574 Arc User
    Lag is present on both consoles. Constant rubberbanding. Abilities and selections are downright failing. This has gone on since last update. I think the general assumption was that it would be fixed with the maintenance today. It was not.

    Agreed, same here at two different locations too, although my parent's line was worse than my own. Anti-DDOS and ISP's own anti-virus seem to make it worse.
    "You don't want to patrol!? You don't want to escort!? You don't want to defend the Federation's Starbases!? Then why are you flying my Starships!? If you were a Klingon you'd be killed on the spot, but lucky for you.....you WERE in Starfleet. Let's see how New Zealand Penal Colony suits you." Adm A. Necheyev.
  • knightmare#8708 knightmare Member Posts: 297 Arc User
    The lag has been bad for the last month or so esp since Risa began
  • ambassadorkael#6946 ambassadorkael Member Posts: 2,679 Arc User
    Can folks tell me what content they're experiencing the rubber banding most often in?
  • proteus#8097 proteus Member Posts: 275 Arc User
    edited July 2022
    Can folks tell me what content they're experiencing the rubber banding most often in?

    On Risa while Horga'hn hunting, especially when there are lots of other players around, but not exclusively. Also the progress bar when you pick up a horga'hn sometimes stops halfway through and then suddenly completes after a delay. When you press the button to claim the horga'hn after this, there is a often second or two delay before it registers on the counter, which makes speedy runs annoying. Also during Flying High, both rubber-banding and sometimes the next gate is not appearing fast enough when flying the course at speed.(using the fastest floaters) So you've passed the gate before it appears and have to turn around and go back. Not sure about the other Risa activities as I don't usually bother with them much. All this seems to be just general lag across the board.

    On ground it can happen anywhere really, but most noticeably for me at Starfleet/KDF Academy as I base my characters there when they're not doing anything else and probably spend most of my time there. Lots of moving one step forward to be pushed three steps back, or going through a doorway and being pushed back outside. Also running into doors as they don't open fast enough when you approach them.

    Never used to see it in space, but have done so recently from time to time. Energy weapon damage being delayed in registering on the enemy ships' damage bar.(different to the effect of getting through shields) So at first it looks like your hits are not inflicting any damage at all, only for a second or two later for it all to register in an instant. Also ships that are quite far away, suddenly jumping to up close rather than flying smoothly towards you. Or the players' ship being pushed back a little while in flight. Have seen this in various TFO's and story missions. Can't say I've made a list of specific occasions though.
    Post edited by proteus#8097 on
  • oredshirt#7209 oredshirt Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    The space description abovw is apt. Notably risa as stated. Flying high, you can run an entire course only to be set back to the beginning.

    Space pvp. There is no longer any skill involved. It is luck on who has the most stable conditions and this kills the game for me.

    I am in the process of making a video to show these things.. sometimes the rubber band is like 2 seconds. Sometimes it is like 30 or a full freeze. I have this in video. I can also provide relevant network diagnostic informationa nd with a little help i can run some more.

    Often in combat i trigger abilities for them to go into cooldown with no effect.

    Sometimes in combat my ship literally does nothing. No weapons fire. No abilities. No visuals. Nothing. I just die.

    After todays updare i honestly thought for a moment things had improved. They have not. Around 8 pm central this evening the rubberbanding went from maybe a 1 short event every hour back to the way it was where there would be massive lags at least every other minute.

    I have not taken time based statistics in that regard, assuming the possibility the issue is traffic related. To be honest at this point I have decided to play other games a lot more because the lag is just so ridiculous.

    I made a ticket but they asked me to test my network and that was frustrating. I am an expert in networking and my end user setup and internet are not the issue.
  • knightmare#8708 knightmare Member Posts: 297 Arc User
    Risa definitely 5 times in the last week the game crashed kicking out 75% or the players, this often seems to occur when the Dance Party starts. Other times it is just lag. Also lag occurs with the Iuppiter Iratus TFO though not as bad as on Risa. Flying high is also one event where the lag seems to happens most, and at the change over from board to floater on the Biathlon (that's always a nasty lag spot)
  • oredshirt#7209 oredshirt Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    I think it is happening everywhere equal. Te focus is going to be event based stuff anyways. There are two events running. It is what everyone is doing..
  • oredshirt#7209 oredshirt Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    Ker'rat and arena both.
  • oredshirt#7209 oredshirt Member Posts: 123 Arc User
    Honestly.. i just give up on star trek. Like i compare spending cash on this game to going out to the bars. At least the enjoyment lasts longer, right? But like, I can't justify doing it anymore like this.. the game is unplayable to me. Everyday for the last month I have told myself "if it makes you angry do something else" now i don't play star trek anymore. Im gonna finish out these two events but as far as content I don't even care anymore. I get less frustrated playing cod and running into a hacker than i do missing an easy kill in kerrat cause lag and dude is out of range...
  • discodragonftw#5507 discodragonftw Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    Can folks tell me what content they're experiencing the rubber banding most often in?

    mostly on risa and most mission related maps
  • black25#1340 black25 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I have reported about rubber banding and its in all content of the game even storyline and random timing out loading into the next thing even loading onto your ships bridge or any fleet base .

    Now the timing out issue has been going on for a long time but the rubber banding has only been going on for a bout 6 weeks on the Xbox .

    I noticed that more players are now in each lobby 35 or more so my thinking is the servers can not cope with that much traffic and that is why we are getting rubber banding .

    Support thinks a number of things after emailing them twice to be honest they feel like rock star support useless after saying uninstall my game it might be a bug is my Xbox up-to-date the usual stuff and then put me here on this forum .

    I use the lasts Xbox series X so should be as good as a Pc with fast internet .

    Thoughts on the player numbers reduce them back down to 20 in each lobby again and see if the rubber banding stops .
  • mutantcamel#2832 mutantcamel Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited August 2022
    Somehow I don’t think that will help. I’ve recently been going through a bunch of the older single-player missions to acquire various shields/deflectors/impulse engines that have visual components to them and the rubber banding still happens. This baffles me, because I’m not technically online with anyone else. No crowds, just me, running through 1P missions and I’m still getting bounced back through walls and terrain to earlier starting points. Quite infuriating.

    It also happens all the time while traversing the main quadrant maps when there’s nobody around for light years. I don’t get it, but as David Lo Pan said to Jack Burton (Big Trouble in Little China for those who missed the reference) we are not brought upon this world to “get it”, so I’m just sitting here hoping one day they’ll figure it out.
  • black25#1340 black25 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    The game is a little better after this weeks update on Xbox with the rubber banding but its still there a little bit and the timing out issue happens randomly through all content of the game .
    It communication between cryptic servers and my internet as the loading bar is slow and then loads but sometimes times out so is this cryptic servers waiting for my Xbox or is it cryptics servers not giving time between there servers and my Xbox .
    I have very fast fibre optical internet so should not be an issue my end as Xbox series X is up-to-date .
    But cryptic has had this issue with timing out for years why can this not be sorted out ?
  • fred26291#2759 fred26291 Member Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    There has been a serious lag in getting to ANY fleet base what so ever, the counter starts sooo slowly that it literally about takes 3 min to transition from point a to any base. I have also been noting lag during transition screens on actual missions, and its not isolated to only one mission it seemed to be all of them intermittently all day. There is also a lag when using the tailor, selecting an option and changing it theres a 30 sec freeze where you cant change the next item after you change the item before it. This issue is not isolated to any one element of the tailor, its all of them, even pushing the edit button seems to lag before you even enter the tailor editor area.
  • mutantcamel#2832 mutantcamel Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    Oh yeah, the tailor lag has been there forever. I hate going in there, especially on my older XB1.
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