The turrets that you spawn using the kit module, (flamthrower turret) do not last 180 sec like they are suppose to, it is more like 45 sec. In fact when you get the extra spawn of burst turrets with the doff skill, those 2 last longer then the flamethrower turret. Please fix this thanks.
Helping people is my passion in life. If I see someone without a smile I try to give them mine. 
I also noticed that the basic Turret deployed by a KDF player is a Flamethrower Turret, and that one does disappear rather quickly.
I would like to know what happened to the basic Beam/Bolt/Burst Disruptor Turret for the KDF Engineers?
To answer your last question roninwolf1981: The bolt/beam turrets are still in game as I bought one on exchange for my testing, I just use the flamethrower turret as that is the only one you can get a fleet version for, which is what I use.
So why is it that when my KDF Engineer deploys the Beam/Bolt/Burst Turret, it's always the Flamethrower Turret?
I have at least 6 Engineer Captains, and it's only the KDF Engineer Captain that has the issue of both the Disruptor Turret NOT lasting the full turret duration (despawning after 30 seconds), AND having the visual appearance of a Flamethrower Turret (and will either fire green flames or the disruptor minigun bursts at random). But this is just the basic engineer turret module on the KDF side.
The engineer turret module behaves the way it's supposed to for the other factions (Fed, TOS Fed, Rom, except for DSC Fed and Jem'Hadar, but this is probably going to be a separate thread); the Turret fires bolts of energy depending on the level of the module, and lasts for the full duration. It is only on the KDF side where the engineer turret despawns after 30 seconds.
I was pretty stoked to buy my Fleet Turret and upgrade it to MK XV to then have it be pretty unbearable to be put into use.