I created a new Delta recruit and also bought the zen store upgrade for 2409 capts. After applying the upgrade, whenever I switch ground maps the equipment I had when I upgraded gets reequipped, and everything I have placed afterwards gets placed back into my inventory. I have on one occasion had a kit module (the floor is lava) get placed into my bank somehow as well making me believe I lost it for a short time. Down below is a video of the bug in action. I did it on DS9 but it happens on any ground map.
ticket ID #750,045
They had better fix it soon. A bug like this will make the game unplayable for many people. No one wants to have to keep re-equipping their items every time they beam down to a planet or station. Especially if they're equipping an entire new armor/weapon set along with new kit modules and devices. After all, do you really want to beam down into a ground combat TFO after equipping that brand new MACO set only to find that now you're stuck with that standard issue armor, shield, and phaser you just replaced? And as time goes on... soon enough, their entire ground loadout will be changed as they get new items, but they won't be able to keep them equipped because of this bug. And that could cause many to just rage quit.