I think they deigned this for a mobile device completely forgetting the fact this is a PC game with PC gamers using the forums on a desktop monitor. The entire new website and forums feel like a cheap mobile design not something designed for a PC . Which is a poor design move given the bulk of the users will be PC based.
I think they deigned this for a mobile device completely forgetting the fact this is a PC game with PC gamers using the forums on a desktop monitor. The entire new website and forums feel like a cheap mobile design not something designed for a PC . Which is a poor design move given the bulk of the users will be PC based.
I remember the time when the forum was changed from the previously old one to the vanilla one and players complained about that. Now that the forum has changed again, the ccomplaining has started again. Give it time guys.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Also for the record... it was not Cryptic's decision either. The people behind the forums migrated everything in favor of the new site and even caught Kael by surprise, hence why he was working so hard to do something about the forum color.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I really hate circular avatar frames, I mean, I really REALLY despise them and have for years. It's a spreading plague across the entire internet that has been destroying the glory of having full images
I remember the time when the forum was changed from the previously old one to the vanilla one and players complained about that. Now that the forum has changed again, the ccomplaining has started again. Give it time guys.
This isn't a give it time thing. We need to speak up and provide constructive feedback. Personally I don't find this remotely the same as the previously old one to the vanilla one. This is an entirely different style of problem and its not only the new forum but the new website. It feels to me like someone deigned this, looked at it on there mobile thought this looked great and never once tested it out on a large monitor screen.
The expreince of the new website and new forum on a mobile device is massively different to the expreince on a desktop.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
My guess is Gearbox wanted to consolidate with their software. At least it carried over our account information and we all get to keep our names.
And as mentioned in another thread, Kael was not happy with being blindsided on the forum move and fought for some changes, such as the background color.
We Mods are in contact with Kael as well to work on figuring things out as this change could affect our ability to respond to things as well. We're already noting a few issues for Kael to pass on.
You guys do have a right to be upset with the sudden change. Hell I'm not happy because these new forums don't feel right. I can't even just shoot to the bottom of a page to view the last post without having to scroll halfway up to SEE the last post. All I ask is that blame not be cast on anyone without more information.
So please... feel free to vent and state exactly what you don't like. Venting can be good, within reason and without violating forum rules. Having an idea on what is liked and what is not liked can help us by giving Kael more information to share with the guys in charge of the forums. We do this right, and constructively... we may have a positive outcome. The more information we can provide to Kael, the more ammo he has to work with.
We're all in this together. So... lets work together to compile a list of features we like and don't like that can be passed up the chain.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
I must agree. These forums are terrible. They look much worse, there is missing information like the new posts notice, and it took quite a bit of searching around to find how to post a new thread.
While the darker color is an improvement over the all white version, yeah this isn't good.
My complaints are simple, first there's no character the forums say what you want about the old version at least they look liked something, the current version looks like an unedited template (no offence to Kael here I know he either swapped or got the BG color swapped).
While having all the forum categories at side is a slight improvement, I think it came at cost of removing several useful features and thus the overall impact is negative.
If return to the old is not an option, my suggestion to Cryptic or who ever is in charge of the forum layout and UI is this, Star Trek Online is a Star Trek game, use that to your advantage and instead of this "unedited template made by some intern in 5 mins" look have something inspired by Star Trek, for example make forums look like an LCARS screen.
That said any changes you make should be looked at with the eye of how well can they be used on PC screen as well, not just on how well they work on a phone screen.
maybe as a CM, and you as mods, yall can make a new thread, limit it to bullet points of likes/dislikes about the new forums and website, heavily mod any other abstract info and allow that to be the discussion to take to the upper mgmt team.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
My guess is Gearbox wanted to consolidate with their software. At least it carried over our account information and we all get to keep our names.
And as mentioned in another thread, Kael was not happy with being blindsided on the forum move and fought for some changes, such as the background color.
We Mods are in contact with Kael as well to work on figuring things out as this change could affect our ability to respond to things as well. We're already noting a few issues for Kael to pass on.
You guys do have a right to be upset with the sudden change. Hell I'm not happy because these new forums don't feel right. I can't even just shoot to the bottom of a page to view the last post without having to scroll halfway up to SEE the last post. All I ask is that blame not be cast on anyone without more information.
So please... feel free to vent and state exactly what you don't like. Venting can be good, within reason and without violating forum rules. Having an idea on what is liked and what is not liked can help us by giving Kael more information to share with the guys in charge of the forums. We do this right, and constructively... we may have a positive outcome. The more information we can provide to Kael, the more ammo he has to work with.
We're all in this together. So... lets work together to compile a list of features we like and don't like that can be passed up the chain.
Who gives a damn about background colour. Utter TRIBBLE functionality is the issue.
Also for the record... it was not Cryptic's decision either. The people behind the forums migrated everything in favor of the new site and even caught Kael by surprise, hence why he was working so hard to do something about the forum color.
Where was this from?
Listening to the livestream, i thought he was bragging about how HE did it all. I 'll have to go back and relisten to it, as it was in the background the last time i played it. I wonder who is behind the website and forums, then, since this sounds like it was a very unpopular move, so far.
If we're allowed to offer suggestions. The lines between the text, either change them to perhaps a blue, or change the text color by default to a light blue. that'd make the individual posts easier to read. like this sort of
"..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,916Community Moderator
Listening to the livestream, i thought he was bragging about how HE did it all. I 'll have to go back and relisten to it, as it was in the background the last time i played it. I wonder who is behind the website and forums, then, since this sounds like it was a very unpopular move, so far.
We mods are in contact with Kael outside the forums. Helps us figure out some moves to make when we can get input from each other and the boss man. He expressed frustration there.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
what bothers me is that I can't see what threads I was participating in, and if they have new posts. The difference in appearance is something we can get used to; the loss of vital functionality is not.
Probably changed to save 3 cents a year. CHANGE IT BACK. THESE NEW FORUMS ARE ABSOLUTE TRASH.
Do you guys not have phones? - Cryptic, probably.
Seriously, Cryptic, what went through your mind here? it feels like i'm suddenly back in 1998.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
The expreince of the new website and new forum on a mobile device is massively different to the expreince on a desktop.
And as mentioned in another thread, Kael was not happy with being blindsided on the forum move and fought for some changes, such as the background color.
We Mods are in contact with Kael as well to work on figuring things out as this change could affect our ability to respond to things as well. We're already noting a few issues for Kael to pass on.
You guys do have a right to be upset with the sudden change. Hell I'm not happy because these new forums don't feel right. I can't even just shoot to the bottom of a page to view the last post without having to scroll halfway up to SEE the last post. All I ask is that blame not be cast on anyone without more information.
So please... feel free to vent and state exactly what you don't like. Venting can be good, within reason and without violating forum rules. Having an idea on what is liked and what is not liked can help us by giving Kael more information to share with the guys in charge of the forums. We do this right, and constructively... we may have a positive outcome. The more information we can provide to Kael, the more ammo he has to work with.
We're all in this together. So... lets work together to compile a list of features we like and don't like that can be passed up the chain.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
My complaints are simple, first there's no character the forums say what you want about the old version at least they look liked something, the current version looks like an unedited template (no offence to Kael here I know he either swapped or got the BG color swapped).
While having all the forum categories at side is a slight improvement, I think it came at cost of removing several useful features and thus the overall impact is negative.
If return to the old is not an option, my suggestion to Cryptic or who ever is in charge of the forum layout and UI is this, Star Trek Online is a Star Trek game, use that to your advantage and instead of this "unedited template made by some intern in 5 mins" look have something inspired by Star Trek, for example make forums look like an LCARS screen.
That said any changes you make should be looked at with the eye of how well can they be used on PC screen as well, not just on how well they work on a phone screen.
Sometimes WISE people learn acquiring something, the other guys do something far better.
I'm very surprised however, the News pages however still have the same colors at least were used to?
I'll pass that along to the guys.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Who gives a damn about background colour. Utter TRIBBLE functionality is the issue.
Where was this from?
Listening to the livestream, i thought he was bragging about how HE did it all. I 'll have to go back and relisten to it, as it was in the background the last time i played it. I wonder who is behind the website and forums, then, since this sounds like it was a very unpopular move, so far.
We mods are in contact with Kael outside the forums. Helps us figure out some moves to make when we can get input from each other and the boss man. He expressed frustration there.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
New Owners...new look.
I can't seem to find a button for that.