The 2022 MAY 10 patch and update seems to have eaten up the Away Team ability menus. In the first video, I'm trying to show that Lieutenant, Lt. Commander, and Commander abilities are showing every single bridge officer ability as selectable, no matter the level of the ability, or if it's a ground or space ability.
In the second video, I'm trying to show that any Bridge Officer that hasn't been used in an Away Team in the past, cannot have any away team abilities assigned to it. This used to be fixable, by just putting them into the away team, then beaming down and "cementing/solidifying" that they are "real" to the game. But now, as shown with the Bashir Hologram, and another Bridge Officer, even after beaming down with them, they are not able to be given away team abilities.
...Well, that late one's been a rare, on-and-off issue for some time beforehand, but now it seems to be a minor symptom of this main issue.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.