Been a long time since I was active enough to bother with anything fleet related. Now that I'm playing regularly again though I joined up with one. Seems like a good enough group, so I self invite one of my other homeless alts and start plugging away at rhe donations. Earned a promotion a few days back with toon 1 and then yesterday with toon 2. And that's where the trouble began. For around two hours the fleet leader tried promoting my 2nd toon, but the system kept promoting my 1st toon instead. So he'd drop toon 1 down to the appropriate rank, and try again. Had me try leaving the fleet and rejoining. Had me on the same team with him. Even had me bring my 2nd toon to the same zone and stand right there next to him for a few minutes to no avail. Every time he tries to promote my 2nd toon, it somehow instead gives the promotion to the first toon I joined the fleet with.
For the moment, we're leaving toon 1 at the higher rank and toon 2 at the just joined/initiate rank, but has anyone else seen this issue before and know a work around for it? Would be great to get this resolved soon as the starter rank cant use fleet stores and the build Im going for with that guy requires me making some purchases soon.
That is so weird though. I never had this problem when I first started playing. Had my old main and alts in another fleet back then. At the time my main was at the second rank below fleet leader and the rest were all one rank above newbie. Anywho. Thanks again.
Aye, we've been awaiting a fix for quite some time on this. I shared a couple video's with Support a wee while back demonstrating the issue, but still nothing...