I show the Before and After effect with Lighting 2.0 enabled, then with Bloom Disabled. As you can see clearly some Lava does NOT look as it should and is causing a overly crazy bloom effect.
I realize lava is not supposed to be mostly white, as in the 2nd image it shows some of the lava as it should.
NOTE: Even some of the Romulan Equipment seems to have a ODD glow to it, or uniforms which is also not normal. Their uniforms are simply reflecting the bright colors abnormally, given their reflective nature of some. If they fix the overly bright lava in the cavern, the rest should correct.
So hopefully someone can make note to fix this, as it has several lava thru all of the lower caverns on New Romulus; including where the Iconian Gateway is various spots. So with bloom on it makes it very difficult to even see where your going, and risks everyone being melted.
Multiple threads exist on this issue:
- https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1264297/sphere-of-influence
- https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1264341/pc-too-much-bloom-sphere-of-influence
- https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1264374/sphere-of-influence-lighting-2-0-messed-up-i-feel-like-slamek
- https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1264433/blood-of-ancients-the-new-romulus-gateway-tunnels-and-the-flotilla-ending
- https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1264296/bug-the-power-source-romulan-story-arc
- https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/startrekonline#/discussion/1264706/the-poer-source-brightness
So hopefully Kael who I tag (above) will identify this to his team. I rarely hear from him, yet trust he identifying issues to the team.
...going to Nimbus, Dyson, or any ground area if you need healing is very hard, mostly cause you see lots of shield generators spawn from bridge Officers, just rarely if any Medical Generators despite having the same cooldown.
> Kind of SAD this hasn't been fixed, though honestly I'm more frustrated that Medical Generator's rarely if ever spawn from Bridge Officers...
> ...going to Nimbus, Dyson, or any ground area if you need healing is very hard, mostly cause you see lots of shield generators spawn from bridge Officers, just rarely if any Medical Generators despite having the same cooldown.
Sphere of Influence was fixed in the 3/10/22 patch notes which was last Thursday. The other locations have not yet been fixed yet. As for the other one with the Medical Generators, I have no clue.